Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Been a while

It has been a long time since I last posted.  Work has been that busy.  I get home, have dinner, pass out and back to work.  There has been no down time even to read a paper.

The new bosses are really pieces of work.  The CEO wanted a MAC because he liked them.  Well he is the boss so we get him a MacBook Pro.  A top of the line Mac.  It took three weeks to get the damn thing to work on our network.  We are a Windows shop and the Mac would not work with our email server.  We had to jury rig a method so it could.  There were just a lot of problems with it.

So the CFO said it was time to put the Mac experiment to bed and get the CEO a Dell laptop.  The CEO said that he would buy the Mac for himself after we make the switch over.  The CFO made a remark that if the CEO does not buy the Mac that he would so we were not stuck with the machine.

The new Dell came in and we set it up.  When the CEO was asked why did he want the Mac he said only for the cool factor.  He never used one before.  WTF?  I mean give me a break, for the cool factor?

We cleaned up the machine, took it off the domain and made it the same way it was when it came out of the box.  I brought the machine to the CEO since he said that he would buy it.  He now said that he is not going to.  He was even bitching about the $26 shipping costs.

So it is now up to the CFO.  He also said that he was not interested in buying the computer.  It is too expensive yet this jerk makes $1.5 mil a year.

We have had it for over 30 days now and there was no way we could return it to the vendor.  So now I am stuck with a $2,700 computer that we cannot use.  Nice.

I was speaking with one of my other vendors and the subject came up.  He offered to buy the Mac from us.  He offered only $1,000 for the computer.  We would take a $1,700 hit if I did this.

These two a-holes are doing a good mind game on all of us.

So I had my assistant send it back to the dealer.  I have no idea if he did or not since he is has no respect for me his boss.  I never get a straight answer out of him.

We have a few interns working here.  Poor little rich kids with their heads up theirs.  They were working in one of the rooms here putting binders together.  They stopped doing that and some time went by.  There was a meeting to be held in that room and when I went there it was a mess.  Paperclips, staples, scrap paper, the chads from hole punching were all over the place.  I told them to clean up after themselves.  They gave me attitude but they did clean it.  Now they will not even look at me.  Poor babies.

I've been wanting to go to Florida live and work, like that is no secret here in this blog.  Recently we have been watching filmed in Florida on cable.  If you have never seen it, it is about a rescue squad that goes after animals that are found in the area.  Mostly they seem to be focusing on various invasive species.  The worst being Rock Pythons.

Doing a little research to see if the show is legit I was shocked to learn that that Florida is having a major problem with pythons and other creatures that are not native.  Like I said above the worst of the worst is the Rock Python which is a man killer.  And it is found in Miami near the glades.

They said that they will never be able to get rid of the problem but hope to bring it under control.  Makes you really think twice about going there.

With the way the snake is so dangerous, why in the hell were they brought into the country in the first place?  What is wrong with people?  I feel that the import of these creatures should be banned and any and all of them should be captured and killed.  Total open season.  The only place for things like this is in a zoo.

Major restrictions on the importation of dangerous animals like these should be imposed and those that have them should surrender them for elimination or face severe fines.

We had Irene come through here not too long ago.  I went to the store for a few things like chip and dip for a hurricane party.  People all over were in a panic stocking up as if it there would never be food again.  Our daughter bought a few candles and out them on the belt at the check out.  Some woman tried to steal them from her.  What gives?  Are people that desperate that they have to steal from other customers while on the checkout lines?

One of our sons lost his wallet on the LIRR.  He called the LIRR to see if they could have a conductor look where he was sitting just to see if the wallet was there.  But they refused.  They told him to fill out a form, send it back and in ten days they might address the issue.  WTF LIRR?  They charge a fortune to ride the trains, the trains are very uncomfortable, they never give you a chance to get into a seat and rush you off the train, pound the drum in great customer service and will not give any?  The LIRR should be taken over by Amtrak or someone else.

Anyway, a lot of time has gone by, summer as sucked so far and I still have a load of crap to get to.

'till next time