Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall is here...yuk

The fall is here which means winter is around the corner. Yuk, that also means snow which I hate more than anything. But welcome to NY.

Work has been real lousy too. We have new bosses and they do not like the older people here. By older I mean anyone over 45. In a company wide meeting the CEO said he want to hire young talent to come in and start to take the reigns of the company. Can you read between the lines?

He came into my office and told me to train my assistant to know what I know so he can replace me. Even the COO said that I am to train him to be my replacement. In the next breath she said in the event I get hit by a car. Like I was born yesterday? She did in fact say to be my replacement. Think I am in line to get kicked out of here. Let's see, law suit comes to mind right now.

I learned that the SOB pastor of ours did a real sneaky deal. He made them rich bitch in charge of the ministry that I ran for 6 years. Good riddens. He has his money honey and it will bite him in the ass. After being in the church all of those years and maintaining the ministry for 6 years this is the payback that you get. I was told that the Catholic Church was the most corrupt, politcially motivated organization around, and you know what, they were right!

Still looking to get off of Long Island. The job market still horrible and I doubt that there will be anything happening very soon. But you never know.

Anyway, I need to get back to work. Never know when the axe will fall.
'till next time.

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