Saturday, June 18, 2011

Been a few days

It has been a few days since my last entry. Been very busy at work and at home.

The weather had been rough. For several days the heat and humidity was unbearable. Mostly the humidity. We finally had a break towards the end of the week ending in violent thunderstorms yesterday. Power was knocked out all over the area. A relative got hers back in about an hour and we were about seven hours later.

I woke up around 3am and the fog was so thick I could not see across the street. Went back to bed and we finally got up at 7 to clear skies and a wonderful day. Hope it stays like this.

We have a new CEO at the office. A real piece of work. Condescending does not even come close to describing this guy.   Now he runs the place and in his first speech to all of us he said that he worked hard in getting our company off the ground. The way he looks down his nose I don't beleave him.

He said that he worked with a Mac at his last job so we got him a Mac. It is the first and will be the only Mac in the fleet. It took us 3 days just to get it to work on our network and there still are issues. One of the techs asked about it and he said that he never used a Mac before. It just looks cool. I am beyond furious. We spent $2500 on a Mac for this guy because he said he used one at his last job and it turns out he did't! We are in for a rough time ahead.

One of our execs has had it with this guy and is ready to walk. One week and he is ready? Can't say I blame him. I am going to look harder too. So back to Craig's List only I expanded my search to the lower keys. Maybe the pickings will be better there.

Time to get going, lots to do around the house and I am going to visit a few friends this morning.

'till next time.

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