Friday, June 10, 2011

Ugly week with one exception

This week was an ugly one, weather wise.  Wednesday and Thursday the humidity was unbearable.  We broke down and had to turn on the air conditioners.  There goes the LIPA bill.

Met the new CEO early this week.  Seems alright.  One of our execs says he is going to quit before the CEO officially takes over.  We will see.  I have a feeling that we are in for a rough ride for the next few months.  I just hope he does not get the idea to let everyone go or move the office closer to where he lives.

There is a young woman here, a real cute one at that.  We have been having lunch a few times this week.  Today she is dressed in this lightweight dress showing leg, lots of leg.  She is a knock out.  Have to admit I am attracted to her. If I was older and not married...

Shame that she is going out with this guy.  I understand that he has kids and does not want them to meet her.  I have a feeling that he has her for something on the side and does not want mama to know.

It was insane busy here on Tuesday.  Couldn't get a break.  The rest of the week slowed up.  But I still cannot catch up.

I am working on a major project here.  My boss is taking full credit for it and doing no work on it at all.  Guess that is the corporate way.  I should be use to that by now.

Have to work this weekend.  Kinda sucks but since no one will be here I will get no interruptions.  That is nice.

My wife roped me into going to that stupid fair for the church on Sunday.  Have to spend the whole day there.  Not looking forward to it at all.

Still posted on Craig's list.  So far the area does not look promising and the low lying landscape is not very reassuring.  But I really need to get the hell out of here.  I can't stand living in New York any more and would love to move where there is no snow.  In all these months I have had much luck with Key West and call me stupid, but I am still going to try anyway.

'till next time.

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