Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Labor laws were designed to protect the rights, health and safety of the employee.  In New York they barely did that until 2011 when things got worse for employees.

New York like most states is an employment-at-will state.  This means an employer can fire you for any reason what so ever.  As an example if your employer does not like the way your hair is combed, out the door you can go and so forth.

Very unfair and it gives the employer almost unlimited power over the employee.

New York also condones and supports the practice of age discrimination as well. I posted about it in an earlier entry.  Plus to show you how NY supports age discrimination they had an employment site called Hi-Tech NY.  The images of all the people on the website were under 30 except the Governor.  A nice subliminal message.  Now the site points to another website but the home pages still has a person under 30 on it.

In NY if you work more than 8 hours in a day for one employer or more than 40 in a week for one employer you must get time and a half pay.  But according to the NY DoL that is not on your base pay.  The time and a half is based on the minimum wage only.  So the employer has a way of screwing a person over with their pay.

Let's do some math.   Let's say you earn as a base pay of $20 an hour.   For a 40 hour week that is  $800 gross pay.  You work an additional 8 hours over the 40 hours.  You would think that the time and a half rate should be $30 for that 8 hours which would give you in theory an extra $240 in your gross pay.  But in reality according to the NY law time and a half is based on minimum wage only.  NY minimum wage is $7.25 and the time and a half rate is only $10.88.  So instead of getting that $240 you were expecting you get only $87.04 extra.

But not many employers know about that thankfully otherwise they would take full advantage of that.  I learned this directly from the DoL themselves.

Prior to 2011 if an employee worked more than 6 hours in a day for an employer they would be entitled to a one hour break.  It could be a solid hour, broken up into two 15 minute breaks with a half hour lunch break or some combination of such.  But in 2011 that has changed.  Now you get a minimum of 20 minutes only.  If you start after 11 then you would be eligable for an hour.  So you start at 8, work until 6 all the employer has to give you is a 20 minute meal break, period.

Prior to 2012 you were not allowed to work for a single employer for more than 6 days a week.  Now they can demand and have you work 7 days a week without a day off for weeks, months or years on end.

Prior to 2011 you were not allowed to work for a single employer for more than 18 hours in a 24 hour period.  Now that has changed.  An employer can now demand that you work a 24 hour shift non-stop.

I learned about the information presented in the last three paragraphs when I did some research for my son who works in a new supermarket and the boss there has him come in at 5AM and leave at 8PM with only a 30 minute break during that time frame every day for the past week and a half straight.  And he has yet to have a day off.  I wanted to pull out the statutes of the law directly from the NYS DoL to help him and that is where I learned that in 2011 the laws changed taking even more rights and protections away from employees.  Welcome to New York.

I told my wife that was the final straw.  We really need to get out of New York.

I don't know what the labor laws are in Florida where the Keys are (obviously),  but I am going to look into that.  It has to be better than New York where you are now reduced to a little more than a piece of dirt for some employers amusement.

Is anyone in the Keys looking for a good computer tech?????  Anyone?????

'till next time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A few weeks ago I posted a survey that I asked people from my FB friends list to take part in. The purpose of the survey was to see what type of business climate there is as far as being a computer consultant goes.

It was an idea that was in the back of my mind and from a phone conversation I had with someone there.  And at the same time one of my LinkedIn connections told me that they saw a lot of computer consultants come and go and after 10 years of poor economy there they cannot wait to leave.  They lost over 50% of their business with the down turn.

Would it be feasible to open up my own business in the Keys?  I don't know.  I need more direct information about the area.

Next there were some general questions about living there, floods, invasive species like pythons and what have you. I don't want to move into a bad situation that I cannot get out of either.

So far not one person has responded. No one. It is very disappointing. I was hoping for some up front
honest answers from a few people. Now I have to continue using prepared data that I find on the net which could be highly massaged and not give accurate information.

Maybe people don't want to be identified even by emailing me?  I am thinking of using say Survey Central to run it again.  Something to think about.

Seeing how I have not had one interview since I was replaced by a 26year old snot nosed, back stabbing, brown nosing, two faced punk with no experience in network engineering 6 months ago, plus getting jerked around by those few employment agencies that would take the time to speak to me (I can count the number on one hand), I figured I would dig deep and go to school for computer programming. I hope that I would be more marketable.

Years ago I studied FORTRAN, ASSEMBLER, COBOL and of course BASIC in high school.  I never used them for these were really brief classes of about 4 weeks per language and please do not ask me to write any code from any of them.  It has been that long.

So tonight I start class at a local university for part 1 which will last a semester. The whole thing can take several years to complete. But I have to start some where.  I had to dig deep into my cash reserves to attend this class also.

This way I might land a job as a developer. And good thing I can do it remotely since the language is JAVA and I already have a compiler. It could open a new door for me or at least make me more marketable.  But since this in New York and age discrimination is well practiced and condoned by the state I might just be wasting my time and money.

In the meantime if a business in the Keys makes me an offer, I would drop everything run and rent a U-Haul, stuff it with everything that we own, hook up the car and in two days of driving (I can make it in about 24 non-stop but that would not be wise) I'd be fighting the traffic through the construction on Roosevelt Blvd. to live where I dream of living.  Not a problem there.

Seeing how some people there have complained about the delays along that road, they should come up here and deal with the Long Island Expressway during rush hour.  The world's longest parking lot.  And people wonder why I want off Long Island?

In my last post I included a photo from one of my FB friends that he took during the storm.  Naturally I gave him full photo credits.  He was thankful that I did the right thing.  It was a great shot of some minor flooding along Duval.

Time to start to get my things together for my first night of class.

'till next time.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sunday Isaac was headed for the Keys with the promise of becoming a Cat-1 to a Cat-2 hurricane. Windows were boarded up, a lot of establishments were closed, at least those I could see by webcam. There was even a loss in communications with a lot of the webcams either from the storm or by being used by other people wanting to see the action.

Well as far as the Keys is concerned, Isaac was a flop. It stayed as a tropical storm and never made it to a Cat-1. But don't think that a tropical storm is a walk in the park for a lot of damage fan be done. Yet thevpeople in the Keys are used to those and are better prepared all around, so for them a tropical storm is a walk in the park.

Looking at the webcam outside of Sloppy Joe's I saw some very minor flooding if you want to call it that. From where I sat the water was in the gutters of the road and never really made it to the crown of the road. There were some big puddles in the intersection of Duval and Greene, but nothing bad. We get that here in a good rain storm.

Sunday night at about 11:30 PM Sloppy's was closed but the Green Gecko was hopping. People were having a great time. I looked at the Hog's Breath and saw leaves scattered all over the place as a result of the winds. Monday moring they were all cleaned up before 9 and the Hog's Breath was ready for business.

On Facebook people were posting videos of the storm. Chris did a fabolous job as he went about Key West during the storm. One person, Corey James posted a photo of a section of Duval where the water did cover the sidewalks. I included it here.

Photo by Corey James

Even though the storm left the Keys, the ocean has not calmed down.  That will take a little while.

 Now life is returning to the Keys, the plywood is coming down, restaurants are opening up, and in no time at all it will be business as normal.

Plywood coming down at Anna's

Workers are setting up for business once again.

Plywood coming down in the background on Duval Street
Some stores still need to remove their plywood (this was at 9AM on Monday)

Sunset Pier has a big job, put everything back from storage.

But at 12:30, they are busy setting up to reopen.

The Hog's Breath is ready for action.

Now New Orleans is in the line of fire from Isaac. That area was devastated a few years back with Katrina follwed by another storm. I hope and pray that Isaac will not do any damage to the area. I don't think they can take too much more.

'till next time.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

I've been keeping an eye out on the storm approaching and hitting where I want to live, they Keys.  In theory Isaac is to become a Cat-2 hurricane when ti hits the gulf, and be a Cat-1 over the Keys.

The satellite views are impressive.

I was able to get some webacm pics of the area.  Most of the cams that I frequent were down but I did get some nice images of the first stages of the storm.

A typical error message that I was getting, cannot control the camera.  And this was from a lot of them which is unusual.  I guess other people were watching as well unless it was connectivity problems.

Some store owners on Duval are taking no chances and boarded up their windows.

No cruise ships today.

A hotel is void of customers.

So is the hog's Breath and Rum Barrel.

But Sloppy Joe's is hopping.

Dolphins don't care, they are simply doing their thing,

As of 3PM Sunday NOAA says the storm has not increased if strength.  So I am keeping my fingers crossed that is simply blows over.

Call me crazy, but even with the storm about to hit, I still want to live there.  Now only if I can get a job there.

'till next time

Monday, August 13, 2012

In this edition of my blog I am  going to pose the questions that I mentioned about in an earlier posting.  I hope that someone takes the time to ready it and answer as many as they can.  I will use this as part of my decision making process as if I should continue to look for work in the Keys, open a business or give up on the idea as a whole.

None of these are true makers or breakers  in my decisions.

First off the business related questions:
  1. I used to see what kind of competition I might have is in the Keys.  I see that a lot of my potential competition doing computer consulting work is out of their houses.  Is the norm for small business being home based or is there a mixture of home base and store front or are they the exception?
  2. If it is is the norm for people to run a business out of the house, are there any zoning regulations that need to be considered?
  3. What about sales tax?  Is tax collected on material, service or both?
  4. What is the sales tax rate for Monroe County?
  5. If I decide to incorporate, is it mandatory to have a lawyer in Florida set it up?
  6. I decide to have a store front, what are the average rents there?
  7. I was told that computer service businesses have come and gone very quickly.  Is this so?
  8. So far I've notice only handful of larger companies there, that is with greater than 100 employees and excluding Publix and Waste Management.  That is the electric company, the NAS, Fisherman's Hospital.  Am I missing any and if so who?
  9. If I open and run a business there and need internet connectivity, what are my choices?  Note that business internet generally has a different SLA than residential.

Now I call these "Personal Questions" only because they are fairly general and are some personal concerns that I have:

1.  By looking at Google street view, I see a lot of houses on stilts which indicate flooding.  How often does it flood and how severe? 
Houses on stilts.

Local street flooding 1 block east from Glen Archer Jr. Dr. 
This is not the only place I've seen water on the road.
Same location as above only from Google Earth

2.  We use oil for heat and natural gas for hot water and cooking. What is used there?
3.  We have Verizon FiOS for internet, phone and TV.  Is FiOS there?
4.  If there is no FiOS, who are the internet providers?  Comcast?
5.  If there is no FiOS, what type of internet connection is there?  DSL, T1, cable modem, etc?
6.  What is the waste disposal, sewer or cesspool?
7.  What are the hospitals there?  Are any of them trauma centers?
8.  What supermarkets are there and where?
9.  My wife likes watching discovery and has seen shows about the invasive species in Florida. She is really concerned about pythons which I am too.  How bad is it there?  I did read that a few were caught in Key Largo.  How much of a problem is it?

18' Python caught in the Everglades in October 2011
      From the Nature Conservancy (

      "The Conservancy created a python hotline, 1-888-IVE-GOT-1. Today, Florida Fish and Wildlife
      Conservation Commission call centers in South Florida quickly dispatch a trained responder.

      “We have 24-hour response by law enforcement in 10 counties, although anyone in Florida can leave a
       message,” Millett says. The counties where a Conservancy-trained responder is dispatched are: 
       Monroe, Miami-Dade, Collier, Hendry, Broward, Palm Beach, Glades, Martin, St. Lucie and  
       Okeechobee counties.

      The response force is being built throughout South Florida, with more Python Patrol workshops being 

10.  If I should happen to discover a python on my property, am I allowed to dispatch it?
11.  If so how?  12Ga?  Axe? Rear wheels of the car? Flame thrower?  Err skip the flame thrower part.
12.  If I happen to come across a python warming itself on the road, am I allowed to make it into road kill with the car?
13.  One of my hobbies is astronomy, what are the night skies like? On any clear night can you see the milky way? 

14.  In NY the humidity in the summer is oppressive, what is it like there?  My wife has major breathing issues and the humidity can affect her adversely. 
15.  What kind of a response do you get from emergency services ie PD, FD?  are they quick to arrive or do you have to wait?
16.  Do any of the houses have basements and if so, are they dry or do we have to worry about having an indoor pool? 
17.  What TV and radio stations cover the Keys and what type of programming do they offer? 
18.  The job market as a whole in NY is horrible to non-existent.  What is it like in the Keys?
19.  Is it true that most people need 2 jobs just to survive in the Keys?  If so what are they?
20.  Crime is everywhere to be sure.  But what types of crime and how often are affecting the Keys?  Are there areas to avoid?  Is it safe to go away for the weekend and leave the door unlocked (we used to be able to do that here 40 years ago but not now)?  Is it safe for a woman to walk alone at night there?
21.  What is on the street parking like?  I've read in a forum that if you park in an area where you do not live, your car gets towed to Stock Island and you wind up paying a fortune in getting it back.  Is there any truth to that?
22.  What type of Fire Department is there?  Volunteer or paid?
23.  What type of ambulances are there? Advanced Life Support, Basic Life Support or 'you call we haul that's all'?
24.  NY enacted a salt water license to go fishing.  Do you need one there?
25.  What are the firearms laws there?  Do you need a permit to own a rifle, shotgun or pistol?
26.  Are there helmet laws for riding a motorcycle?
27.  What types of social outlets are there?  Movies, theater, bingo, restaurants?

These are some of the more pressing questions that I have in regards to moving to the Keys or not.  I would hope that some of the readers of this blog take the time to answer them for me.  My email address is  Put 'Questions" in the subject line.  If I need I will write back from another non-published email address.

'till next time.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

As many know, I've been looking for work in the Keys for over a year and am not having any success.  

During that year only one person gave me a lead but that as gone no where.  At least it was something.

Now that I lost my job of 6 years as the CTO of a publicly traded company to a 26 year old snot nosed punk with no experience of knowledge of network engineering I tripled my efforts in finding work.

So far nothing.  Not one interview.  The few recruiters that called have done nothing to place me except to jerk my chain.  The job outlook is dim at best.  And I am not only focusing on Florida, but other places in the country as well.

Under our current administration it is doubtful that anything positive will happen.  And I doubt that the contender for office will be much better for he seems to favor the wealthy and not the working stiff.

I received an email from one of my Facebook friends who told me that unless you are rich or retired you will need to work two jobs just to keep your head above water and that there is no tech work at all in the Keys.  The business there is tourism and that is that.

I spoke with another person on the phone who lives in the Keys and was told that I really should consider opening up my own computer business there.  They said that there is more work than the competition can keep up with.  And that most people run businesses out of their homes. 

Not a bad idea but there are a lot of questions that need to be answered first.  I'll post them in another blog entry.

I reached out to a successful person there to ask some questions.  First setting the ground work so I could ask the questions.  She never replied back so I am still curious about if I should open a computer business or not.  I still need to reach out to others.

Then in an email from a LinkedIn connection really put a damper on things.  I was told that their business dropped by over 50% and it was so bad that even they said you need two jobs just to survive.   The pay there is so low you have no choice but to have two jobs.  And they are seeking to leave the Keys for greener pastures.

And they told me that in the 9 years that they have lived there, they have seen so many computer businesses come and go it was like a revolving door.

Like the first person that I've been in contact with a few months back,  they said that there is no industry for a network engineer of my caliber.  There are only a few 'large' companies like the power authority and the turn over there is non existent.   I reached  out to them anyway and have not heard back.  I even contacted a TV station there for they have to be up on technology and have had no response  one way or the other.

Of course one of the biggest companies there is the U.S. Navy with the airbase in Key West.   Errr sorry, as much as I respect the USN and the rest of our military that really is not for me.  First off I am too old for that plus if I was in the Navy there would be no guarantee that I would be stationed there.

With the two comments that the pay is so low that you need two jobs to survive unless you are wealthy or retired really does not sit well with me.  Going from 6 digits to $7 an hour?  I'm just guessing at the $7, but you get the drift.

So at this point it does not look like that the Keys is the place to move to.  More food for thought.  I really would like to get some conversation going with people from there.

And here is another thought, one of the sayings I've come across is that "Key West is a drinking town with a tourist problem.". That gives me the impression that if you are not from the Keys, spend your money and then go away.  Could there be some truth to this?  I think every town has a certain section where alcohol flows like tap water so I  wouldn't pay too much attention to the first part.

A friend moved off Long Island several years ago and went upstate NY.  He opened up his own auto repair shop like what he had here on the island.  He closed up within a year.  Because he was not a local no one wanted to do business with him.  He would not be considered a local unless he lived there his entire life.

Is it possible that same line of thought is in the Keys as well?  "If you are not from there, go home"?

But looking at some of the blogs I subscribe to from people that live in Key West, they make it sound so wonderful to live there.  Even from the posts on Facebook make me yearn for living there.

I reached out to a person who writes one of the blogs twice an he never responded back.  I still subscribe to it for he makes Key West sound perfect.

I would like to live and work in the Keys and there is no question on that.  But as time passes and with no luck in getting interviews from there I have to wonder if it is nothing more than a pipe dream.  I also have to ask myself if I should give up on trying to get a job there.  Am I being foolish or what?  I would like feedback.

I will still keep playing the lottery no matter what and if I hit the big one....Let's see, I've seen some nice places on Big Pine....

'till next time

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The senseless killings in Colorado has heated up the gun control debate once again and NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg is stirring up the anti-gun pot by pounding on the doors of Obama and Romney.

No one in their right mind can disagree that what happened was a true tragedy in the purest extent.  Holmes who can now be branded as a nut job slaughtered 12 innocent people and wounded 59 who were all out to enjoy a movie.

The gun control proponents will scream that we need tighter gun control.  They will also scream that if we had tighter gun control this would have never happened. I personally disagree with them.

New York City has the toughest handgun law in the nation making it almost impossible for a law abiding citizen to own a hand gun.  New York State has the second toughest hand gun law.  Every year in NYC we hear about some person or group of people that are either robbed, assaulted and or shot by a criminal with a hand gun.  Very recently as of 7/23/12, the news tells of of someone being shot in a robbery in NYC.  This is a perfect example in how gun control fails.  Like the saying goes, if we out law guns only outlaws will have guns.

And Bloomberg has to run off at the mouth when he can't get illegal guns of the streets of NYC. Sorry Mike but the gun laws in NYC simply do not work.

Let's not forget that Holmes bought the firearms legally.  So as far as that is concerned no laws were broken.  And from what I gather anyone over 18 can legally own a firearm in Colorado including hand guns.

With that thought you would think that some of the patrons would have been armed.  But apparently that was not the case.  Why should they?  This is not the old west.  Gun opponents like to point out that without gun control things would be like the old west and everyone would be shooting up the place.  Here we see that is not the case.

I am sure that if there were a few patrons in the theater that were armed and knew (keyword: KNEW) how to use a firearm properly, the death toll and those injured most likely would have been a lot less.  Of course Holmes would have been been shot and possibly killed all in the line of self defense.  I know that I would have returned fire once I had a clean shot.

There are two towns in the US where in order to live there you must own a firearm.  Of course they do have certain exceptions like an ex-felon, someone with mental issues, or who conscientiously objects to firearms and or who cannot afford them.  One town. Kennesaw GA was selected in 2007 as one of the ten best towns to live in and they have less than one half the US Average crime.  In the years 2003 - 2008 crime dropped significantly.  (source: Wikipedia,,_Georgia).

It stands to reason why. Would you want to break into someone's home knowing that they are armed?  I didn't think so.  You want to rob someone knowing that they might be armed, think again.  You want to assault someone knowing that they might have a 9mm?  Hope your affairs are in order.

What bothers me is that a big red flag went up and no one saw it.  That nut job bought 6,300 rounds of ammo.  The media never said what calibers.  Were they .223, .40 or for the shotgun?  And how many for each?  Why would a person want or need that much ammo in the first place?

OK if the person competes in shooting I can see buying large amounts of ammo used for practicing.  In that case it would be very easy to burn through 6,000 rounds in a week.  And if the person owned a gun range and supplied or resold the ammo they would buy it by the packs, unless the bulk sales had them prepacked say in 50 round boxes.

I know a few people that hunt and they don't use that many rounds in a season.  One guy I knew bought a 20 round box several years ago and has yet to fire a single shot when he went hunting.

So buying large amounts of ammo should raise a read flag, especially 6,000 rounds.  Unless he bought a thousand one week, another thousand two weeks later and so on.   I don't know.  The media did say he got a package of ammo that weighed over 100 pounds.  I would think that should raise a few questions.  Don't you?

Now here is a suggestion that has a lot of merit.  Forget about gun control all together.  It does not work.  Like I said earlier NYC is the perfect example.  Instead make it a federal law that if you want to own a firearm you must attend a mandated firearms safety and marksmanship course and pass it.  Much like a drivers license.  And it must be renewed say every two years by retaking the course.  Here is where the keyword from above comes in.  You  must know how to properly handle a firearm to own one.

This could be a good source of revenue for the states and those training people.

And let me point out even though people get drivers licenses some can and do a lot of damage with a car.  A case in point when a SUV was traveling at 80MPH in NYC hit a concrete pole, flipping and killing 5 and injuring 2 on 7/22/12 (source: Newsday.

So licensing is not a cure all but at least people would know how to use a firearm properly and safely and could potentially become a deterrent for another nut job.

Just for the heck of it I looked at some statistics on motor vehicle deaths vs deaths by guns.  Now I don't want to get into a pissing match or a flame war over the figures nor do I want to split hairs on any of them.  What I found out is the raw total data.

In the year 2009 there were 33,808  killed in motor vehicle accidents.  (source: US Census Bureau Table 1105 Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents National Summary: 1990 to 2009)  Unfortunately I did not see any newer data.  It might be there, but I was unable to locate it.

In the same year there were 9,146 were killed by firearms (source: The Guardian,  It is interesting to note that in 2010 there were 8,775 people killed with firearms.

Here we see that 24,662 more people were killed in motor vehicle accidents as compared to those killed by guns.  And I don't see anyone yelling that we need to eliminate cars.

At the end of the day, 1 person killed is 1 person to much regardless if it was by a gun or car.  I don't want to overshadow that fact.  But things really need to be taken into perspective.  It is easier in many states to own a gun than a car.  With a car you need to have a license to drive and for the most part you don't to own a gun.  But let us not forget that 33,808 people were killed in 2009 in motor vehicle accidents.

And what is really ticking me off is the fact they everyone is forgetting the fact that the nut job wired his apartment with explosives.  I don't see anyone screaming about that either.

Looking at the TV news the police were able to blow the bombs up safely at a range where no one would get hurt.  By looking at the size of the blasts from the bombs, if they went off in the apartment the entire building would have been leveled.

How did he get the bombs in the first place?  The media reported that he studied chemistry in college and was good at it.  Who better can build a bomb than a chemist?  But I don't see chem classes canceled or chemists registering like you would a firearm.   Nor do I see anyone screaming that we should ban chemists all together.

And let us not ever forget the Oklahoma bombing.  Here a nut job who was not a chemist used diesel fuel and fertilizer as the materials for his bomb.  He was no chemist, just a complete wacko.  And look at the damage he did.

If that is not scarey enough you can find the instructions in the library or the internet in how to make one.  I remember I was doing a school report in Junior High School in the '60s on WWII and came across a book in the school library that showed how warheads were made.  I never built one nor have I heard of anyone like that nut job doing so either.  And some people want gun control?

And never ever forget the tragedy on 9/11.   Here more nut jobs used box cutters to turn airliners into guided missiles.  They didn't use guns or bombs, just routine everyday box cutters.  I don't see a ban on the sales of those, do you?

Now to toss in a woulda-shoulda-coulda thought.  The media reported that the nut job went into the theater and out a fire exit and blocked it open to let himself back in.  Maybe a new law should be put into place that emergency exits must be wired to an alerting system.  This way if someone opens the exit door say in a theater again an alert would go off in the managers office and in the ticket booth.  This way someone can close the door.  I know it is rough but it is an idea that needs to be refined and expanded on.

It is certain that the nut job is never going to see the light of day again.  The state has I think it is 2 months to decide if they want to go for the death penalty.

As a father and husband and if it were my family that were victims, you are damn right I would demand that Holmes get the needle in the arm.  Only instead of getting knocked out, having the breathing stopped and then the heart stopped, I would rather see them give him the paralytic and have him suffocate while still aware of what s going on.  But like I said that is the father and husband speaking and I am sure many of the survivors would agree with me.

But if you look at it, the death penalty has not stopped any crimes in all of history.  The state of Texas has executed more people in the US than any other state since the death penalty was re-established and their death row is full.  Plus the cost of putting a person to death is higher than keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives.  This is due to all of the appeals and what have you.

I feel that this nut should get life in prison at hard labor instead.  This way he can think about what he did to those innocent lives for as long as he breathes.  Maybe even have him review the lives that he took so he could get a better understanding of those he hurt.

Besides even if he does get death, he might never see the execution chamber.  Colorado executed only 1 person since they re-enacted the death penalty and that execution was in 1997.  Currently there are 4 already on Death Row.  (source: Death Penalty Information Center, so the chance of Holmes getting put to death is slim.

Now why did he do this?  At this writing I don't think anyone will know for sure.  I have my own theories and some have merit, at least to me.

First look at the movies and TV.  How many films and shows do we see that have a lot of graphic violence in them?  A lot.  Can it be that people are desensitized by seeing and wanting more gore?  It seems that the more gore that a movie has, the better the sales and ratings.  When I was growing up when a person was shot they fell down.  And it was one or two people not the bulk amounts that we see today.  Today when a person gets shot we see blood splatter or spray, body parts, limbs getting cut off and more.    A lot different than the past.

As an example we watched an episode of Criminal Minds on TV.  They showed and were very specific in it in what to do with a plastic bag and duct tape.  It left nothing to the imagination.  Hollywood should really re-think how it makes movies and TV shows.

Video games are getting as bad or if not worse than what is on the screen.  The big sellers are filled with violent acts with loads of gore.  Again another way we are desensitized.

I also feel that the school systems are partly to blame.  Years ago if you did something wrong you were punished and when you got home, mom and dad had their turn.  I am not talking beatings here folks.  A good whack on the rear never hurt anyone same with being sent to bed without TV and what have you.

Today the schools say they would rather you talk it over with the child to see why they were bad and to discuss the matter.  Plus when they go home mom and dad are not to do anything except to say I am disappointed in you and let it go at that.  The schools feel that if you discipline the child they could become a mass murderer.  Err excuse me?

When my kids were in school that is exactly what they told us.  Not to discipline our kids but rather talk things over with them and reason with them.  Then let them have the TV or computer all they want.  The schools gave all kinds of lectures on that and even implied the threat that it would be child abuse otherwise.

I gave it back to them telling them that the butt is made for three things, sitting,, and hitting.  If you are kinky in later life there is a forth thing.  I said if need be I had no problem in giving the kids a swat on the rear if they needed it.   Otherwise it is off to bed without the TV.  Come out for supper and then back into bed.  I even challenged them to go ahead and take me to court, I could use the money from the law suit.  They backed down from me real fast.

All in all only one child was swatted on the diaper once.  They all got tossed into their rooms without the TV and computer for punishment at times.  So far they have all grown up fine and are doing better than their peers.  So much for the schools theory on child rearing.

Besides years ago before I was around my parents got a good swat or two when they were bad and no one in their generation ever turned out to be a mass murderer like the recent nut job.

Finally another theory on what could have happened.  Life is moving faster today and more pressure is being exerted on people than ever before.  Pressure to get ahead and get rich.  For those of us that are older we can handle it better but those that are younger simply cannot cope as well.  They seem to crack.

The idiot that took my job away from me is an example.  He wanted my job so bad he went out of his way to screw me over instead of sitting back and waiting for me to retire.  He too was pressured to go to the top as fast as possible without learning the ropes and paying his dues.  Eventually he will fail.  A few birdies have whispered in my ear that he cannot handle the pressure that I was under.

As an example that 26 year old punk went into a full blown panaic attack when a server had a small problem.  He said that the server did a fatal crash (mind you he never worked in a network environment before) and my nasty boss belived him over me all because he paniced.  The kids of today just cannot hanlde stress.

There is just too much pressure to succeed that back stabbing is at an all time high and those that cannot handle it take to drugs or have some sort of break down.  Maybe that nut job had an episode like that.  Maybe all of those theories played a part.  Who knows?

Is it possible that all of my theories or at least some of them could have lead to Holmes going off the deep end and killing innocent lives?  I honestly don't know.  That is not an area of my expertise.

All I can say is that gun control is not the answer.  Education, eduction and education with a good dose of rethinking life is.

'till next time

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yesterday it was 20 weeks since I was replaced by a younger person at my job.  20 weeks of collecting unemployment.  And 20 weeks with no luck in finding work.

I did get a nibble yesterday, a recruiter hired by a major company needs a network engineer upstate NY.  The distance would require that I relocate which is not an issue.  I would have to pay into the medical plan, which is fine, there is a 2 year contract involved Not a good feeling, and the kicker was the pay.  They were offering $40,000 a year.

How on earth can you support a family on 40 Grand?  I had to laugh at them.  40 grand, give me a break  I can make that flipping burgers.

And to boot they wanted to know what companies I applied to.  Now here is the trick, you tell them what firms you apply to and instead of trying to place you, they place someone else.  It is a dirty trick a lot of recruiters use,  Robert Half is famous for that.

With Robert half you meet with two recruiters at a the same time and they double team you.  And they pressure you for companies you applied to already.  And of course they do nothing for you.  I worked with them a few years back prior to getting my last job.  They just jerked you around.

I had another recruiter from TekSystems call earlier in the week from Miami and played the same thing.  Who have I applied to.  She was not interested in placing me, especially since I am in NY and would require relocation plus my salary range was way above what she had in mind.

Yep the past 20 weeks has been fruitless and I have only 6 weeks of unemployment left.

Plus to make the job market worse around here, the Town of Islip has announced they are going to layoff more people.  Nassau County is doing that now.  Obama-nomics in action.

On TV there was an add in how a whopping 300 jobs were added in the state!  Wow! 300 new jobs!!! For a state with 19 million people in it and triple that 300 in layoffs this week alone.  Really.  Obama-nomics is really working.

Can't blame him too much, Clinton did sign NAFTA the start of American jobs leaving the country and Bush pork bellied laws allowing companies to take tax breaks if they offshored jobs.  Obama made promises that he would bring those jobs back into the US during his campaign speeches but so far more jobs left and more people are without jobs than ever before in the past 50 plus years.

So right now things look pretty dismal.  I doubt that much will happen in the next 6 weeks.  But you never know.  I am still praying and hoping that some company in the Keys would make me an offer.  But right now I wonder if that will happen.

'till next time