Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Getting back to normal

Things are getting back to normal very slowly here on the North Shore.  The South Shore is a whole different matter.

Here on the North Shore there was very little property damage for he ms part.  Some houses were hit be falling trees, others has less to no damage at all.  Bu on the South Shore people lost everything.  In one area the people were allowed to go back for four hours to survey h damage and collect what they can from their belongings.

In the wake of this WCBS FM radio announced that is appalling, a new form of tourism.  People have been seen touring the disaster area, taking photos and leaving.  Disaster tourism is what they called it.  Mind you WCBS FM was not promoting it, they just reported it.  Now I wager some jerk will offer tours of the area.

Someome must be reading this blog who has infuence.  In my last entry I mentioned how bad the gas situation was here.  Monday most if not all of the gas stations by me had gas, were open, were pumping and there were no lines.  I pulled into a gas station and was able to fill up without waiting.

That station that was hording gasoline just for landscpers was slammed according to what I read on Gas Buddy.  Someone posted that there were so many complaints against the station, the police made them open their pumps.

Everyone I have spoken to have all said the same thing, the out of state electrical workers are kicking ass and no one has seen any LIPA trucks anywhere.  I guess they are ashamed that the out of state crews are showing them up.

Regrettably I heard a brief news blurb that a guy from Florida got out of his truck in Hempstead and some jack ass beat the crap out of him and sent him to the hospital then took off.  The guy from Florida as nothing to do with the screw ups that LIPA created and he was here cleaning up the mess.  If the entire crew decides to pack up and head home, I would not blame them.

I hope the police get the assailant quickly and slam his ass behind bars.  But with the way things run around here the jerk just might not do time or very little of it unless he has a long rap sheet.

For those who are not familiar with Hempstead, it is not a very safe area.  It used to be a great town but now in several sections you have to wonder if you are going to get out alive.  I have never had any problems personally I guess it is because that I am a big guy and tower over a lot of people which give an ominous appearance.   But when I go there I always keep a weather eye out and try not to stay there very long.

Now speaking of LIPA, the C.O.O. resigned on Tuesday.  Now if the CEO quits things might turn around.  LiLCo was grossly mis-managed which brought about the birth of LIPA.  And now LIPA is worse than LiLCo every thought of being.  With LiLCo our electrical rates were at the highest in the nation and LIPA promised to lower it which never happened.  We pay more now than ever and I don't think things will change.

But we need to wait and see.

Now we are bracing for another Nor'Easter that should be here next week just before Turkey Day.

Any way, it has been eight months since I received my last paycheck and so far it has been dismal as far as the job search is going.  But gotta keep plugging.

Right now it is 39 degrees here and a wonderful 71 in Key West.  Nice.

'till Next Time


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