Friday, November 23, 2012

Turkey Day was quiet.  Nothing to really comment about except we all ate too much.  We didn't go out or anything but stayed home, ate, watched James Bond on the TV and then called it quits for the night.  Real exciting.

I checked to see how much unemployment I had left and found that I have only 8 weeks left.  That is a mere $3,200 left.  Not very comforting.

So far no interviews, not even a tickle from an employer in the keys either  Things are not looking so good. 

The stores are stocked once again here on the North Shore.  The power is finally back on and the gas rationing is over.  But people on the South Shore are still without homes.  Makes you wonder what is going to happen there.  I think that the way that things are going, we are in for a long and rough haul.

One thing that everyone I speak with have said that during this, no one has seen a single LIPA truck at all.  You know, neither have I.  If it wasn't for the efforts of the crews from out of state, we would still be in the dark.  Yep LIPA should take a lesson from them.

Now it is starting to get cold around here.  The 40's is the norm with one or two days in the low 50's.  It will not be long now before we hit the 30's and lower with the edition of that dreaded white stuff called....snow.  Something I was hoping never to see again.

The Power Ball is over $300 Million right now.  I am going to play it and hopefully hit it.  OK if not all $300 Mil, at least a sizable chunk.  But the way New York is, you get 2nd place you get practically bupkis.  And when they hit you with the taxes, you are luck if you keep 50% of the winnings.  But still 50% of 300 mil is not bad.  I can force myself to live on that.  So tomorrow, gotta invest a few bucks.

'till next time


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