Thursday, April 4, 2013

4/4 - Cold Spring

This is supposed to be April, spring time but right now it is only 35 degrees out and with the wind there is a wind chill of 28. They say it is to hit the 50's later on with rain at the end of the week. Rain is a far cry better than snow, that is for sure. But you know exactly where I wish I was right now and it is not in NY.

COBRA was killing me financially, $2,000 a month and on the below poverty level unemployment, things get dicey real fast. We were able to go onto the Healthy NY plan, finally. Originally the monthly premium is less than half of COBRA for the standard plan. And with the way our idiot governor recently slashed unemployment, that savings helps.

The cards came in and I noticed that we were put into the high deductible plan.  Something that can seriously hurt us financially, but not as bad as COBRA.  I also noticed that the premium is even lower.  I guess that is because of the plan.  I called the insurance company to find out why we were in the HD plan to begin with.  As it turns out that idiot governor we have eliminated the standard plan as a cost savings.

Bad enough the unemployment here has been seriously reduced to way below poverty levels but to have us pay a high deductible on insurance is insane.  It is already hard to make ends meet.  The citizens of NY should simply band together and demand that Cuomo get kicked out of office.  He has no idea of what it is like in the real world.

Cuomo has done nothing to stimulate job growth especially for the mature worker, he slashed unemployment benefits, screwed around with health care making it hard to afford for those in low income.  He is only for the wealthy.  God I hate New York with a passion.

Later in the week I am going to do some volunteer work at a disaster relief center.  This will not only give me something else to do but may open up some networking opportunities that may lead to a job.  I heard about them from an executive networking group that I am a member of.

One thing that was suggested to me at another networking group I go to is to post some computer tips and suggestions on the groups I am a member of on LinkedIn.  This way people can see that I have something to offer.  Do this as a weekly tip from moi.  Might be a good idea, even expand it to my Facebook page.  Then maybe someone will get the idea to reach out to me and start up an employment conversation and make me an offer.

'till next time

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