Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/28 - NYS Unemployment Now Way Below Poverty Level

Yesterday in the mail, a letter from the Department of Labor ( DoL) came in.  At first I thought that it was to appear before them to go over what I have been doing on my job search.  I had to do that one day last year which was a joke to begin with.

On openng it I read that due to the Federal seqeuestering of funds my unemployment has been reduced significantly.  Already the amount I get of $21,060 / yr gross is below poverty levels of $27,570/yr and now with the new cuts it will be way below that at $18,722/yr.  Thank You very much Governor Cuomo.

New York is not only taxing people out of the state but now the state wants to starve those that do not have jobs.

I openly challenge Governor  Cuomo to be un-unemployment for over a year then have it reduced and still feed his family, pay bills ( oh that is a luxury according to Nassau County Department of Social Services), pay rent or mortgage, utility bills, health care costs, car expenses for a family of 5 on a net amount of $300 a week.  Of course the state does not take those factors into consideration and use gross amounts for their figures.  But still the challenge is there and he cannot tap his millions is savings.

Of course that will never happen, plus if he did go on unemployment it would not phase him because he is a millionaire already.

Maybe what the state should do is cut the salaries of the over paid politicians and beurocrats instead of hurting the people who need it the most.  That would bring millions back into the state.

Over the winter they tore up a nice park in Manhasset to put in sporting fields.  The park was used by many people for so many things.  Now the land will be for sporting events only.  Now how many millions did that cost?  That money would have been better spent helping people feed their families and foster job growth instead of chasing jobs away.

New York has really gone to hell.

Even if it looks like my trip to the Keys may be put off for a while, I am still going to plug along and hope that someone there makes me a bonified job offer.

'till next time


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