Wednesday, March 6, 2013

3/6 Pneumonia Epedemic

I have been seriously out of pocket recently and here is way.

My father in law was stricken with pneumonia just before Christmas and had to go to St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, NY.  He was in for a week and a half then they released him on New Years Day.  About a week and a half later he had to go back in but was in worse shape.  The pneumonia was running rampant in his lungs.

We feel that St. Francis released him too early.

He stayed there and his health deteriorated even further.  January 25th the hospital called us and told us that they thought that he was not going to make the night.  So he came home to die and on Janurary 29th at 10:55PM he did just that.  Pneumonia took him from us.  I wrote previously on the shoddy care that Good Shepherd gave him.

My mother in law was stricken with the same disease at the time of my father in law's death and had to go into St. Francis as well.  My wife stayed in the E.R .with her and it was so crowded they were doubling and tripling up pantients in the exam rooms and into the hallway.  Most of the patients had deep wet coughs.  It was obvious that pneumonia was having a field day.  My mother in law was lucky and came home after a week.

When she was coming home my sister in law went in with the same thing, pneumonia.  She was so bad they had to put her on a ventilator for 4 days.  Eventually she got off the machine and was discharged to a rehab facility which was actually a nursing home.  The place was a dump.  She had the window bed.  Her roommate and the nurses kept opening the window so she caught a chill.  The nurses even refused to toilet her.

Her husband had to get her out of there for the care was beyond pathetic.  The condemned get better service.  Next thing you know she is back in the hospital with double pneumonia.

Could it be that she too was released too early from the hospital?

We caught up with her in the E.R. and it was standing room only.  They had patients stacked up in the hall.  If there was a fire the death toll would be astronomical for it was that crowded.  Many of them had some sort of pulmonary issues and were coughing up their lungs.  You could not find a spot in the E.R. where someone was not coughing up.

My wife was hit with some sort of upper respiratory problem and we went to see our doctor.  He told us that they have never seen it so bad with the amount of cases involving pneumonia.  All of the hospitals were overcrowded with it.

No one is going to admit to it, but I feel that there is a true epidemic going on here.  Everywhere you go or talk to someone you hear of another case of pneumonia.  Nassau County is doing a bang up job in not letting the word out.  Gotta be a gag order.

But why all the cases?  We feel that it is remnant from Sandy.  As many know most of Long Island was out of power.  LIPA dropped the ball.  And without power, there was no heat and people were freezing.  Plus now add mold into the picture and you have the perfect setting for all kinds of lung problems.

But again, Nassau County is not stepping up to the plate and admitting to an epidemic and getting the CDC involved.  Gotta love Long Island...not.

'till next time.


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