Saturday, March 16, 2013

3/16 Bloomberg Smacked Down and dumb robber

Last year NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg put a ban on the sale of soft drinks over 16oz in size as a effort to battle the bulge. He caused a lot of outrage not only with consumers but with vendors as well. I have to ask, who in the hell does he think he is? And what right does he have to dictate the portion size of what people eat or drink?

Yesterday a judge over turned the law citing that there were too many loop holes in it. Mike is appealing. Good luck Mike.

One thing Mike did not think about is if it was illegal to sell or buy a 32oz soda, then what is stopping someone from buying 2 16oz ones instead? And from a business stand point the could have increased profits. Example, a 32oz soda would cost $2.25. while a 16oz soda would cost $1.50. To buy 2 16oz sodas is now $3 for the same amount in a single 'banned' soda at an extra profit of $.75. No one though of that.

I remember growing up that a small soda was 4oz, a medium was 8 oz, and large was 16oz. Today small is anywhere from 8 to 12oz. And the large is now the 32oz'er. And let's not discuss the 7/11 Big Gulp. It's not about thirst but all about profits and customer satisfaction.

And let us not forget that even the burgers are getting bigger too.  Before it was a regular burger, then the quarter pounder,  then double quarter pounders and let us not forget Wendy's triple quarter pounders.  Plus the fires as well.  OMG.

I can see where Bloomberg is going with this. A lot of Americans a heavier now than when I was a kid. But I don't think that the size of a soft drink is the main culprit. It has a part to play but it is not the evil that Mike makes it out to be. I feel that it is in our food chain. Farmers give growth hormones to animals to make them grow faster and fatter. The animal is slaughtered and the hormones are deep in the flesh and cannot be removed. We now eat the flesh and hormones and as a result a lot of people now need girdles.  And yes I am putting myself into that same category.  I wonder if Rago has one my size?  :)

I also feel that my industry is also to blame. How often do you see someone sitting at a computer? I know you are if you are reading this. Years back there where no home computers and people where more active. As an example, today you need to send a letter, you click the mouse and an email is sent. Years ago you had to walk to the corner or a block away and put the letter into the mailbox. Technology has helped us but hurt us as well.

 I can see where Mayor Bloomberg is coming from but dictating that people can no longer buy sodas larger than 16oz is down right unconstitutional.  He should concentrate on the more important issues, like crime, high taxes, unemployment, the failing infrastructure.  Not sodas.

Now here is one that will make you laugh and is off topic.  A robber, Joseph Spivak of holbrook went into the Backporch bar in Holbrook during business hours wearing a ski mask.  He went behind the bar and pulled three steak knives and ordered the bar tender to surrender the cash.

She complied with his wishes and gave him the few hundred dollars in that was in the register.

On his way out he ordered a beer and sat at the end of the bar.  The bar tender took her time pouring the beer and while she was doing that she point out the perp still wearing the ski mask to the owner of the bar.

Needless to say Spivak was detained by the owner and a few patron until the police arrived to escort him to jail.

Spivak, you are one dumbass.  First robbing the place in day light and during business hours then having a beer?  Yep you are one dumbass that is for sure.   Only in New York.

'till next time


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