Saturday, March 9, 2013

3/9 - One year of being unemployed

Saturday the 9th of March I celebrate one year of being on unemployment after losing my job to a 26 year old back stabbing kid who by the way quit less than a year later.

It has been a very rough road so far.  Three or so interviews and nothing more.  I've gotten plenty of song and dance's from recruiters and not one of them has put their best foot forward in placing me.  Not one.  I've even reached out to several and one a few times.  Not one of them has returned any of my calls or emails.  Even those from my LinkedIn and Facebook accounts.

The job market here on Long Island has been decimated by the economy.  Stores are closing up, large companies are moving to cheaper markets and a lot of small businesses are closing their doors forever.  As an example, Grumman here is laying off 800 people which is only going to add to the competition for the few jobs that are here.  And what few jobs that are here are going to the under 30 set for they work for no money and do not require the same benefits.

Of course there are plenty of low end type of hamburger flipping jobs for $10 and hour.  Am I bitter?  I guess you can say 'yes' to a point.

Even the local NYS Department of Labor said that the job market here is non existent and admits to the wide spread practice of age discrimination.  They also said that they are powerless to do anything about it.  Maybe it is time for a new governor who has the fortitude to stand up and do the right thing.  The jerk we have in office is a total waste of time.

During this time I've sent out thousands of resumes and like I said earlier, only about three interviews that went no where.  One of them I am greatful for it did not look like a good plsce to work for.

Even reaching out to the vendors that I've done business with for leads or suggestions has been a waste of time. They don't want to know me any longer. I look at it like this, they made money off me and you would think that they would want to take care of the guy that took care of them which would mean potentail additional business. But this in New York, the dog eat dog state. I will remember who helped me if and when I get another job.

Now the building where we live is going to be on the market in 4 months which means we will need a  place to live.  Rents here on Long Island are astronomical even for dumps.  And since I've been out of work for a year there is no way I can get a mortgage.  And even then I need to be employed for a solid year first to qualify for one.

So we have no idea where we are going to live.  My wife wants to stay here on Long Island, which we cannot afford to live here any longer.  I want to say screw it all, pack up and head for the Keys and take my chances there which she does not want to do.  Is there a divorce on the horizon?

Reaching out to people in the Keys as been for the most part fruitless.  At least one person recommended an employer who I sent my resume to but have not heard back.  One person said they forwarded my resume onto the owner of the company but again I have not heard back.

I spoke to one person, a realtor who told me that there is a crying need for computer consultants there which sounded promising.  Then from a person on LinkedIn said that consultants come and go very quickly.  This was echoed by another person who I spoke with on the phone very recently.  That is not a pretty picture at all.

Several people told me that there is no work there unless you want to work in the hospitality industry which is OK but I am a computer support geek.

I've even been told that it is very expensive to live in the Keys but when I crunched the numbers living in the Keys is far less than what t it is here on Long Island.  Plus the stress level there is a lot less as well.  Those that told me that the only industry there is hospitality also said you need two jobs each just to survive there.  I have to wonder way if it is so much cheaper there than here.  Is the pay that low to begin with?

Another person sent me an email saying that it is very rough to make it in the Keys.  They made it sound like that it is a struggle to survive.  Yet by observing them on Facebook they apparently are very well off and are doing quite nicely for themselves.  So I must wonder.

During this year I've helped a person in the Keys with a virus on their machine and did not charge them at all.  I never got a word of thanks for my help.  I set up a 'Business Page' linked to my Facebook account as an attempt to establish my presence as a consultant and invited people from Facebook to 'Like' the page.  So far not one person has clicked 'like' on it even those who that I clicked 'Like' on.  Very frustrating and disheartening.

Now that a year has gone by, I am no closer to my dream of landing a job in the Keys than I was when I was terminated for my age.  But I will need to see what transpires in the next four months.  Will I find a decent paying job here on Long Island where the job market has been decimated or will I be able to take the chance and head to the Keys?  Or someone will step forward and help me land a job in where I long to live?  We will need to wait and see.

'till next time


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