Tuesday, March 26, 2013

3/26 - Snow last week

It has been a busy week for me. Nothing too positive financially unfortunately. But at least I did get the chance to make a few dollars running network cables for a small company.

Later on I met with a networking group of senior executives such as myself out on the island. I hope that it might lead somewhere. The leader of the group so happened to be an aquaintance from years gone passed.   It was good to see him once again.  We are to get together and brainstorm new methods for me to try.  So far as you know my search has been at a stand still.

During the meeting it started to snow pretty heavily.  I had to take the back roads home which by surprise added only an extra half hour to the trip.  The idiots were out driving like bats out of hell sliding and skidding around me.  That was the worst part of the trip actually.  I kept the speed at about 30 to 35 all the way for safety.  Thankfully I have a big and heavy car so it went through the snow without much of a problem.  Then when I was 5 miles away it started to rain and it was freezing on the road as I drove.  But that did not stop me I just kept on going. 

It looks like my trip to the Keys is on hold once again.  Medical issues cropped up which is putting a monkey wrench into the works.  So at this stage I have no idea as to when we will go to the Keys.  I am ever hopeful that someone there give me a call or email and we can start talking job offer in the meantime.  I am sure once I get things sable I can do a solo trip to meet the prospective employer face to face.  But first is to get some conversation going to start the ball rolling.

LIPA announced that they are going to raise our electric rates.  Like that we have not noticed them sneaking up already.  LIPA claims that it is because of fuel hikes but we already know that it is to pay for Sandy.  The rates are going to shoot up by at least $20 to $20 a month or more.  We already pay the highest electric rates in the country and this is really going to bury the consumer.

Driving in town I noticed that it is budget time again.  The school budget is coming up for a vote and so is the library budget.  What this means is yet even higher taxes for Nassau County residents.  People can no longer afford to live here as it is.  Now it is going to get worse.

We have started to sell of some of our possessions not only to make extra cash, but to make room as well.  As it turns out the building we are living in will be on the market later this spring, tentatively.  So when the sale does go down we will be forced out and will need a place to live.  By reducing what we own will make it that much easier to pack when the time comes.  But the big question is where are we going to go?  Especially since I don't have a job. 

'till next time


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