Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My job search so far

So far my job search is going now where fast. It is very disappointing. As you recall from earlier entries, I started my quest a little over a year ago when the company was going downhill. I saw the hand writing on the wall then that my longevity there was uncertain.

I registered and logged into job sites like Dice.Com, CareerBuilder, ZipRecruiter, Monster.Com and what have you.  Nothing.

I applied to jobs through those sites - Nothing.

I posted onto Craig's List hoping to get an I.T. job in Key West and all I got was some bot answering my ad.

I expanded my Craig's List posting to include the rest of the Keys - Nothing

I then expanded my Craig's List posting to include a lot of southern Fla - Nothing.

I answered ads on Craig's List - Nothing.

I then was replaced by a person half my age and as such am now out of work.  No sense in making a complaint about age discrimination for the State of New York unofficially condones such actions.  Why do I say that?

OK it is illegal. No argument.  But in order to do something I need to make a complaint to the EEOC which is a paper tiger at best.  From there I need to hire a lawyer and cough up a massive retainer and get involved in a never ending lawsuit which ultimately cannot be won by the employee.  And to make matters worse if you want your severance as pathetic as it is, you have to sign off your right on going after the company.  A standard procedure.

And here is another thing that you might not realize. Say you do go ahead with the age discrimination case. Regardless if you win or lose the case, you still wind up as a loser. The information about the case becomes a matter of public record. A lot of employers today use detective agencies that specialize in background checks. They can and will find the information about the age discrimination case and report that back to the potential employer. You are now marked as a troublemaker and a liability. So in the long run you lose.

According to the workshops that I attended at the Department of Labor, the state of New York is well aware of this type of situations and is doing nothing about it.  So unofficially the state is giving employers their seal of approval to practice age discrimination freely.   Welcome to New York.  No wonder I want out of here.

So I started to expand my job search.  More job boards and still nothing.

Gone to job fairs - Nothing.

Gone over the want ads and nothing.

Reached out to executive recruiters and nothing.

Applied to more ads from job boards and still nothing.

Contacted various companies directly and nothing.

Reached out to people on LinkedIn and again, nothing.

And in over a year not one interview.  And I saw that the experts say that the job outlook is good.  Gotta wonder what drugs they are on.  Yes it is very frustrating and disappointing.

Just the other day it was reported that the jobless rate is up to 8.2%. So experts, where are these jobs?

During his run for president, Obama promised to bring jobs back to the United States. So far from where I stand, not one job has come back. Instead more have left. And he is running again? OMG.

It has been very frustrating and tiring.  And with the 3 month anniversary of my termination on the horizon I have to wonder about my job future.

I was toying with a crazy idea, and that is to just pack up my things, head to the Keys and start a business from scratch. But that will have to be the subject of another post.

'till next time

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