Saturday, June 2, 2012

I get these news blurbs from Bloomberg on my iPad all the time. Friday's the blurb is that we are now up to a jobless rate of 8.2%. Yet earlier on the TV the so called experts claim that jobs are coming back.
Seeing how I am having a real rough time in finding work, I am going to have to side with Bloomberg. There are no jobs. I wonder what brand of crack are the experts who claims that jobs are coming back are smoking.

Mayor Blumberg of NYC is on a campaign to fight obesity. He is going to make it a law to eliminate the over sized drinks containing sugar. I remember when I was younger that a regular size soft drink was 8oz. Today it is between 16 and 32 oz. But I think that Mayor Mike is going off on a tangent and is off base, a whole lot.
If he eliminates the larger drink, people will just but a second one if they want. That is all. The reason that there has been an increase in drink size is to increase the profits of the drink seller. That is all.

Reducing the size of the soft drink will not do a thing. Nothing.  People will just buy a second one.

I feel that the real and true culprit is not sugar. Of course it does play a small part. But the big problem lies in food production like meats.

To fatten up the live stock they use hormones and steroids. This makes the animals grow faster and heavier. Eventually the animal goes to slaughter. These growth hormones are still in the flesh of the meat and remain there. We eat the meat thereby eating the hormones. These hormones are now making us fatter.
They are using these same types of hormones on produce as well but they seem to have little effect on those that are true veggens. But many people simply cannot have a pure vegetable diet for many health reasons. People with ulcers or those on Comadin cannot tolerate a lot of greens as an example.

Most of the fish we eat comes from the ocean so you know that they have not been treated with hormones. But there is another problem, our fisheries are depleting the stocks in the ocean and the price of fish is outlandish. You simply cannot afford fish daily.

And here is the topper, Governor Cuomo is not going fight Blumberg but support him instead. This will make NY with the toughest soft drink law in the country. No wonder I want out of New York.

My Facebook friends list is at 309.  Not too bad.  From here I went through a few of them and found them on LinkedIn.  I invited them to connect to me through there.  A bit risky since the reason I setup East Egg Bill was to keep me out of the sight of certain people that use Facebook as a source of gossip.  But I am taking the chance.  You have to take a few chances now and then and I hope that through there I can land a job in the Keys in computer support.

I am also on Skype.  But to find me you will need to connect to me through LinkedIn.  And right now I am only going to allow those from my FB friends list to connect to me through LinkedIn and then from there, Skype.  Again if they can talk to me face to face I just might get an interview and then an offer.

Anyway, it is Saturday and I have a ton to do.

'till next time.

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