Saturday, June 9, 2012

We all hear the same ads and warnings, "don't drink and drive.". That is pounded into us a lot and rightfully so. Driving under the influence is not only stupid, but down right dangerous. OK enough of the lecture.

What really gets under my skin is that so many people simply ignore the warnings and go driving while being impaired. Is it because they are stupid or have some sort of superiority complex manifested by or enhanced by mind numbing substances?

I would take a gander at both.

Thursday night this guy who was well under the influence hit a car about a mile away and took off. He then hit two more parked cars on my street with one right in front of my house, wrecked the front end of his car and flattened his tires. The impact when he hit his third car shook the house where we thought something exploded. Looking out the window we saw the jerk took off, going down a side street and nearly ran someone over. Mind you he just gave himself flats and the air was filled with tire smoke as he was speeding off.

The police were called but they took a good 15 minutes to come to the scene.  By then the jerk could be anywhere.

One of the residents who saw the accident got into his car and went to look for the jerk knowing full well that the police will not be here very fast.  Besides since he saw the whole thing he was int eh best position to spot the car.  He would was acting as a first responder if you will.

About 10 minutes later the resident spotted the jerk parked in front of some cars a few blocks away and had a shit eating grin plastered on his face. The resident called the police and was able to direct the cars to the location. While on the phone the jerk started off again but could not move very fast due to the flats. The resident kept an eye on the jerk and led the police right to him. Needless to say the jerk was arrested and only a few feet from where he hit his second car.

Now he woke up in the Nassau County lockup not only with a major hangover, but at least 3 charges of hit and run, leaving the scene, possibly a charge of nearly hitting a pedestrian, and let us not forget DUI.  And if this jerk had drugs on him, those charges as well.  Not only that, the law suits to follow from the car owners, a major increase in his insurance, if he had it in the first place and to make matters worse this is reportable to his credit as well and really send his credit score to the basement for a very long time. At the end of the day this jerk is one hurting a-hole.

There are lessons to be learned here. One is the obvious, do not operate a motor vehicle under the influence for it will cost you a fortune in the end.  And the second lesson is that involved citizens helped the police by locating the jerk and reporting his location so they can make an arrest.  The second lesson is rare for this area where most people would rather turn their backs and let the police handle matters.  If it was not for the eyes and quick thinking of the resident by contacting the police by cell phone while keeping a safe distance, the jerk could have gotten away.

My advise, if you so happen to see a crime get involved to help the police.  DO NOT approach the suspect under any circumstances but keep a safe distance away and act as an extra set of eyes for the police and report the suspects location so the police who have the training and equipment can do the approach.  For all you know the suspect is armed.

'till next time

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