Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Obama Health program was ratified by the supreme court and as such is now a law. In some aspects I applaud the law, but at the same time I disagree with it.

We need a good solid affordable health care system in this country available for all Americans. With the way that hospitals and doctors over charge for their services hardly anyone can afford to pay the bills. The way that insurance companies charge for premiums is so beyond outlandish many people go without. Medicaid is no bargains either, especially here in Nassau County.

One of the best things about the new law is that you cannot be turned down for coverage for a per-existing condition. But I am sure that the insurance companies will wiggle out of that the way credit card companies did with their new restrictions.

So now what is termed Obamacare mandates that all Americans have health insurance. And if you don't the government will levy a penalty, errr tax on you as punishment.

Here is what bothers me and so far no one has addressed the issue. If you cannot afford the insurance how are you going to afford the penalty tax? A lot of people are out of work and are having trouble making ends meet. And what about those that make minimum wage? And let us not forget those that are on fixed incomes. A lot of our seniors have barely enough money to buy food in the first place.

And here in Nassau County Medicaid is a financial death sentence. I'll write more on this in a later entry.

Obama did try to tackle the health care beast, something previous administrations were unable to do. But at what cost to the American citizen?

I for one could not afford to buy health insurance and I sure would not be able to afford the tax penalty. So what are they going to do? Lock my ass away?

There is a lot of work that still needs to be done with Obamacare.  But all of those issues need to be worked out, and the feds moved too quickly to make the president happy.

Right now I started week 16 of being unemployed. So far no interviews and the recruiters that I contacted are not returning my calls or emails. I have to wonder if my former nasty boss is black balling me out of vengeance. It was no secret that she had it out for me from the very start.

I was looking at the SEC filings a few days ago and checked on the company. The new CEO there pounded the drum on saving money, cut costs, and save more money. They sold off a lot of their assets, almost half of the portfolio and terminated 7 people over 45 years old (I was the oldest). And I learned that a new cost savings they implemented was to get rid of most of the local printers from the staff. Plus they are cutting the dividends on their stocks.

Going back to the SEC filings I saw that the CEO gave himself a small raise, 2 million shares of stock and at the time with the market value that was $9.5 million with a $500,000 cash bonus. He saved costs alright, just to pad his wallet.

The former CEO was no where that greedy. He only owns 950,000 shares which is a sizable chunk. The new CEO is there for only a year and is already taking advantage of his position to exercise mass greed.

Hey where is the cost containment?

I don't think that there was any wrong doing in that which would warrant the SEC to investigate. But with the termination of those over 45 would warrant the EEOC to hang them. But like I mentioned in an earlier posting, the EEOC is nothing more than a paper tiger at best. Plus with the packages we had to agree in not making a formal complaint against the company. I think that would prove that the company company knew full well that they were in violation of the law.  And then again the way that New York laws are set up, they can get away with age discrimination.  I mentioned that in an earlier posting in how that was done.

I am not giving up on hope on getting a job in the Keys.   I am keeping my fingers crossed. 

My wife and I were talking about going there for a few days.  As you remember I was hoping to go there back in June.  But things just did not work out the way I wanted so the trip was postponed.  She is not happy about the idea of going there in the least.  But I still want to check things out.

In order to do this I am working all the numbers once again.  Although she refuses to fly I am going to toss in those numbers as well.  But it looks like we are still either driving all the way or taking the Amtrak out of Penn Station.

I have not been on Facebook in a few days.  I should keep in touch with what is going on.

It hit close to 100 here and we spent the day doing as little as possible.  We checked on a neighbor who is 95 to make sure he was OK.  Then we stayed inside ourselves.

Anyway, I have to get a move on.

'till next time.

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