Monday, February 11, 2013

2/11 - Parking Payback

In my previous post I showed photos of how inconsiderate morons like to park around here.  If you have a high end luxury car you can park illegally at any time.  I've seen morons with these car routinely park in fire lanes of the food stores, in handicapped spots without a pass with some taking as much as four handicapped spots.

These morons also routinely run through red lights and stop signs as well.

The local police do not do anything about the situation.  They will drive through the parking lots, see the illegally parked luxury car and keep on driving and never hand out a ticket.  So much for justice.

But this is not what this entry is about, in part.  I am going to tell you how I handled one of those morons one day a job I worked at many years ago.

I was the chief mechanic for a yacht dealership here in East Egg for 10 years.  We had the show room on the left and there was another building on the right.  In between the buildings was an alley way that you had to drive down to get into the shipyard direct.  The alley was only 10' wide just enough for one car to pass through and barely enough room for a tractor trailer making a delivery.

Arrow pointing to the alley way.

Posted on both sides of the alley were no parking signs in bright red paint.  You could not miss them.

One day this jerk in a brand new Mercedes pulled into the alley way and parked his car.  He still had the dealer sticker in the window.  I yelled at him that he cannot park there.  He said that it is OK for he knows the owner and proceeded to leave for a resturant nearby.  Again a bunch of us yelled but he just flipped us the finger saying don't mess with him for we don't know who he was.

Well he was right we didn't know who he was so I guess we couldn't help him with identifying himself.

OK, he did something that he should not have done and is make me mad.  I hopped into the yards Krane Kar, and that is spelled correctly by the way and drove it up to the Mercedes.  I lowered the slings and we put them under the car after which I lifted the car into the air.  The yard guys stabilized the car from swinging as I drove backwards into the ship yard with the car in the air.

You know there was no place in the ship yard where I could put the car.  We had so much going on.  So for safety I drove to the launching pit and suspended the car above the water.  To prevent tipping of the Krane Kar I lowered the car near the water.  The tide by the way was on the make, that is coming in.

Looking at my watch it was time for lunch so I shut down the machine took the keys and went to lunch in the main shop with the rest of the crew.

A little while later we heard all kinds of screaming and cursing outside.  A few minutes later Elliot the owner of the company came into the shop with the irate car owner next to him.

Elliot asked what happened and we told him the whole story.

Elliot then asked us to put the car back on the ground.

I responded, "I'd love to Elliot but we just went to lunch and you know the union rules."  Meanwhile we were not a union shop and Elliot knew this.

Elliot comes back "OK I don't want to go against the union.  The do it right after you come back from lunch.  What time did you guys punch out?"

"We just punched out."  But in reality we were already on lunch for a good half hour.

"Right, and you guy get an hour, right?"  Elliot states.

Tommy one of the yard guys comes back, "Yep."

Elliot wishes us a good lunch and explains to the car owner that since we area  union shop there is no way he will go against the union so the guy has to wait outside.

The car owner waited impatiently in the yard as we took our time eating and relaxing.  An hour goes by and we leave the shop and I took my time going to the Krane Kar.  I climbed aboard and totally forgot the keys.  So I went back to the shop to try to find them.  Eventually I found the keys, I knew that they were in my pocket all the time but wanted a little more satisfaction.

I started the machine and by now the tide was touching the floor of the car.  I set the car on the ground and the guy made more noises in how he is going to sue us and have us all locked up.  We never heard from him again.  I have to wonder how fast the car rusted out.

'till next time.


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