Saturday, February 9, 2013

2/9 - Parking in East Egg

This weekend we were hit with a snow storm they are calling 'Nemo'  and please don't ask why.

The people here went insane.  Gas lines formed all over on Thursday evening which were very reminiscent of the lines right after Sandy.  Only a few gas stations had no lines.

Going to the local supermarket to pick up some chicken to make chicken soup, I saw that the milk cases were empty as well as the bread.  On another isle there were no charcoal briquets anywhere.  Plenty of batteries but no charcoal.

I saw one woman with her basket filled to the top with toilet paper.  She must have had a good five 25 roll packages.  I guess she is planning on having a massive amount of ...well I'll let that one go.

The parking lots were crazy as well.  People parked where they wanted.  One jerk had his pick up truck half way into the parking lot making it hard to drive past.

And you notice that there was plenty of room in front of him.

People were in a panic waiting for the end of the world to happen.

During the day of the storm on Friday, idiots with high end luxury cars parked where they wanted.  This is typical for this area.  You have a Mercedes, you are above the law.  Own a BWM and park where you want.  It is plain to see that there is a no parking sign where this idiot is.  And in a fire lane as well.

I watched these two yacking for a good 20 minutes.  A BMW in a fire lane is permissible around here.  The local police are aware of this but turn a blind eye.

Even people with mini-vans think they are above the laws here and park in fire lanes.

Coming home I saw an idiot with a brand new Land Rover speed off the main road onto a side road and lose control of the truck.  She slid over the curb and nearly hit a pole.  A lot of people here think that although they have these trucks, that the snow and ice will not affect them so they drive like the morons they are.  But trucks slide just as easy as cars and you still need to go slow.  But people here have a lot of money and so it is their right to speed when and where they want.  And the weather better not stop them.

I stayed in on Saturday.  In East Egg we had about a foot of it.  Out in Commack Long Island I heard they had 29 inches.  NYC had ony a few inches while in sections of NJ, not a flake.  I had no desire to go out into that white crap.  Not at all.  I let the kids shovel and clean the cars.  I've had more than my fill of snow for one lifetime.

Looking at the webcam at the Hog's Breath Saloon, it is a glorious 78 and no snow to be had anywhere.  From the webcam outside Sloppy Joe's it is a bright sunny day.

While here we have snow and 32 degree weather.

'Till next time...if I thaw out


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