Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/6 - Good Shepherd Hospice abandoned us

Saturday we buried my father-in-law at Holy Rood Cemetary in Westbury with a police escort and full military honors.  R.I.P. pop.

What is really pissing me off is that when he was discharged from St. Francis Hospital they promised that a hospice nurse would be at the house by 9:30 PM that day to take care of him.  The nurse was from the Good Shepherd Hospice Services of the Catholic Health System.

The nurse never showed up.  She called and said that she would be there first thing Saturday morning.  Again she never showed up.  We called Good Shepherd and they said that they had no record of my father in law.  But they said someone would be here late in the afternoon.

Afternoon came and went and no nurse ever showed up.

Then the next story was the nurse was tied up on an emergency and would be here in the evening.  Again no one showed up.  What was my father in law?  Not an emergency?  He came home to die.

Sunday morning came and more of the same.  No nurse.  Sunday afternoon some one finally did show up, but only for 5 minutes.  They apologized that they had some emergencies and had to bump my father in law.  The nurse never did tend to my farther in law for those 5 minutes.  She was not here long enough to take off her coat.

Monday morning came and we called Good Shepherd and once again we got a song and dance.  But no nurse.  In the afternoon a nurse did show up but only to do the intake.  That was already done in the hospital so WTF?  Like the one from Sunday, she never tended to my father in laws needs.  She left leaving us with another song and dance as to why no one was there.  More emergencies.  I guess my father in law who was dying in the front room was not an emergency.

No one else from Good Shepherd came back that day to take care of my father in law.

Tuesday more of the same.  We called, got the song and dance but no nurse at all.

10:55PM Pop died in the front room.  The entire family went there and it was an emotional scene at best.  A relative called Good Shepherd so they could make the pronouncment.  I told them since they abandoned pop, we should simply call his doctor who live only a few blocks away.  But that relative signed a contract with Good Shepherd putting them in full control including calling the funeral home.

This way they can get money for saying that they managed his care.  But they never once stepped up to the plate to take care of my fahter in law.  That all had to lie on the shoulders of the family.

Good Shepherd Hospice Services of Melville Long Island and the Catholic Health System should be investigated as to why they abandoned my father in law.  And those that jerked us around should be held accountable for their actions.

But this is Long Island.  Nothing will ever happen, not even the raising of an eyebrow.

'till next time


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