Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The schools start around here this week.  The mad rush is on for school supplies and places like Staples are crowded beyond belief.

The usual items are to be had like pens, pencils, note pads, composition books, binders, loose leaf paper, book bags.  And in many cases calculators and laptops are on the list.  For those going away to college will also require bedding, lockers, microwaves, coffee pots, TV's, mini-fridges and what have you.

I learned from my nieces that this year for the public schools here there are some new items that are required.  Toilet paper and baby wipes are now mandated to be brought in.  Toilet paper?????  Really give me a break.  We pay some of the highest school and property taxes in the entire country and they want the parents to supply toilet paper!  Is the school budget here so screwed up that they can't afford the necessities of life? 

Now what happens if they don't bring in the toilet paper?  Will they have to tear pages out of a book (watch the staples)?  Loose leaf paper?  Leave skid marks on the hall floor?  Or finger paint?  Our schools here are out of control.

Maybe if they didn't pay these part time teachers (they work only 9 months out of the year, 6 hours a day and even then they do not work) over $100,000 each and a lot of then get a new Mercedes every year the schools could afford toilet paper. That's right a lot of teachers here drive Mercedes. You should see them rushing out of the parking lots at 3.

And I will guarantee you that the next budget will be even higher.

And you wonder why I want to get out of New York.

Oh how I wish someone from the Keys would make me an offer so I can relocate there.

'till next time.

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