Monday, March 21, 2011

3/21/11 - Another one bites the dust

We had another one leave us today. No great loss. The guy was a slacker and then some. He would go outside and sleep in his car instead of work or hang with his friends here. He also demanded that we give him all of our old computers. He also had sticky fingers.  All I can say is good buy to bad news.

Weekend was interesting. Not too much going on, just moving back into my office from having it painted and re-carpeted. Took forever to have the job done. The staff welcomed me back. I think one of the women here has the eye out for me. She's cute too.

The mideast is exploding again. Obama if bombing kadaffy duck or whatever that kook's name is. I think we are in for a long haul over there. A long and bloody haul.

Japan is diving fast. Now they cannot drink the milk or eat the spinach. Plus I heard that the U.S. is issuing potassium iodide pills to the military and their families. Not a good sign.

The false theory is that the iodide pills will protect you from radiation. But the reality is that it will protect the thyroid gland only for 24 hours not the rest of the body. So you can still get radiation poisoning or cancer later on.

At least they are getting the reactors cool with seawater. It will destroy them but at least they will be cooled down.

But here is a question that no one has asked. The reason the reactors are hot is because of the nuclear fission that is going on inside them. To stop the fission all they would have to do is lower the control rods that will absorb the neutrons and stop the whole process. But I have to wonder why don't they? The reactors are toast and are useless anyway. I think that they can't lower the rods for they or the operating hardware were destroyed in the explosions or are severely damaged by the meltdown. As such they cannot be used. So how it the hell are they going to stop the fission in the first place? Let it run for the next 1,000 years and just pump millions of gallons of seawater into it?

Here is another question, what happens with the overflow of seawater? It is radioactive and they cannot let it drain into the harbor. Eventually the building will be so flooded with the radioactive water it will leak out unless that is happening now or just spill out of the building. As anyone thought of this?

'Till next time.

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