Thursday, March 24, 2011

3/24/11 - Thursday morning

I woke this morning and was ready to scream my lungs out. Looking out the window everything was covered in snow! Will someone tell the powers that be that this is spring? Enough all ready.

I took the day off to take my wife to the doctor and afterwards face that one chore that everyone hates doing, taxes. What a waste of time. They take money out of paychecks and we have to tell the how much they have taken and try to get some of it back. And if we make one error on the forms we get smacked, kicked, beaten up, and punished. They should just take th money and leave us alone.

Japan is in the world of hurts for the reactors. Now the radiation has been picked up in Tokyo. Water and some foods have been restricted due to the radiation. Plus the U.S. has stopped importing certain items from there. The economy of Japan will take a beating.

We will most likely ship over more food to them which is a good thing, but with the lower amounts available for us to have you will see the prices soar through the roof. Of course when Japan gets back on it's feet you better believe that the prices here will not drop one penny.

I used to pick up a bag of groceries with odds and ends for the house for maybe $20. Now that same bag with the same items now runs over $100. The disaster in Japan will only add to that. Is there an end in sight to price gouging?

A friend of mine left for Florida today. God bless her. I wish I was going but...

'till next time.

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