Thursday, March 10, 2011


Nassau County has 50 red light cameras. Recently they obtained funding for an additional 100 of these machines. The purpose is that if you run a red light the camera takes your photo and you get a summons in the mail.

Great idea except it violates your civil rights on a wholesale level. In normal circumstances if you run a red light a police car pulls you over and an officer writes you up. You can pay the fine or appear in court to fight it by facing your accuser. This is a fundamental right we as Americans have. To face your accuser in open court.

With said how can you face your accuser if it is a 50' steel pole with cameras? Do you really think that Nassau County is going to dig one up and bring it in? And how can it even face cross examination?

These machines strip away that right all together. A friend in California told me that they are getting rid of the red light cameras just for that reason.

But the county is not without a heart. Normally the fine would be stiff and you would get points on your license. But here since they cannot prove who is driving, just a fine.

What it boils down to is another way that Nassau County lines its pockets with your hard earned money. A cash cow. Not crime and punishment just profitering.

No wonder I hate living on Long Island.

'till next time.

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