Friday, March 25, 2011

3/25/11 - Another street view of Key West

Went back to Google Earth and Street View last night and snooped around Key West some more. This time I went to the Eastern side of the island, Duck Road to be specific and was disappointed with what I saw.
More houses on top of each other with little to no yards. I love a yard. There was evidence of possible flooding there as well. Puddles of water along the sides of the street with no sign that it rained. It was very reminiscent of Woodcleft Avenue in Freeeport at a high moon tide. If this was just from a high tide is this the place to move to?

Of course it was a photo and I have no real idea if the water was fresh of salt. If it was fresh, no big problem. But if it was saltwater, that can be an issue.

Going over to one of the side streets I saw several new home built on stilts and also with no yards. Now I am getting a little concerned. Looking at. FEMA flood map, that area is prone to going underwater with only a 3' storm surge. Might not be the section of Key West to look into.

I checked out a real estate site and found a 8 bedroom house near Duval Street for just over $300K. Not bad by Long Island standards. Again to Street View. More disappointment. No yard at all, not even a blade of grass. The side street is right against the building with no sidewalk. The property is broken into two, one is the main building and the second is a small attached cottage. The website stated that the main building is rated x-flood what ever that means. But I can take an educated guess that they get flooded easily.

I will need to do some more digging.

'till next time.

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