Thursday, April 19, 2012

Last night I was up until 1AM sending out resumes to more local companies but I am not too confident that any thing will materialize at this point. Job in the information technology sector here on Long Island have been seriously devastated and there are few jobs still left. A lot of this is due to several factors like a lot of jobs have been outsourced and offshored, companies are cutting back on staff to maximize their profitability at the sacrifice of peoples jobs, companies are leaving Long Island due to economic reasons namely the ultra high cost of doing business here. Plus add in the fact that age discrimination is at epidemic proportions on Long Island and the state is not doing anything about it.

So this has created a glut of unemployed I.T. workers which means that competition for the few jobs that do show up is brutal at best.  And those few are going to the under 40 set.

Then there are a lot of developer or what used to be called programmer jobs around.  And those too are going to the under 40 set as well.  Programming is not for everyone for you need what I term is the right 'head' to do it.  Years past it was a lot easier for languages were procedural and for the most part easier to understand, at least for me.  Today it is a whole new ball game using object orientated programming language.  Are these better than the older languages?  I guess so but for me they are harder to grasp.

But to become more marketable I really have no choice but to start learning these new languages all over again from scratch starting with JAVA even though I have not used any programming language in many years..

Today is more of the same, researching companies and sending resumes to.  Later on I am going to start JAVA - yuk.  And maybe shortly after that I am going to start to learn In-Design.  looking at the program it does not look that much different from Photoshop.  Then later tonight I want to work on my LinkedIn profile and tweak it up a bit.

Right now at 2:30  in the afternoon it is 65 degrees in East Egg with a slight wind out of the SE and the sky is partly overcast.  By the cam at the Hog's Breath Saloon it is a fantastic 81.  Looking at the sky by Mallory Square it is partly cloudy, but not too bad.  I see that there are tent up there and by going to the remote control cam by PhotoStream it looks like some sort of a trade show.  I wanted to get a better look but someone grabbed control of the camera and I couldn't get it back.  Seems to happen a lot with those cams.

'till next time.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Some may ask me, why do I want to leave Long Island. After all it has some very nice areas, loads of shopping, one of the largest shopping malls in the United States, East Egg is not that far from NYC, many important people live here, there are historic places all over, some of the finest fishing, over 500 diveable wrecks, thousands of restaurants and more. So why leave?

Well first there are no jobs here especially in the I.T. industry unless you are under 35 and even those are hard to come by. Manufacturing is leaving the island which means jobs are going too. Taxes here are insane. Where I am, there are several super fund sites with a few short miles of the house with one of the being at one time on the top ten list.

House prices even tough are falling are still outlandish.  There are more short sales and REO's than ever before.  Now here is something that does not make sense, at one point a speculator would buy a house, tear it down and put a two family in it's place.  Today that same speculator is putting up McMansions instead.  Big ugly houses with no yards and built like crap. 

Crime is way up in some areas plus it is getting over crowded.  Sometimes it takes over an hour to get someplace when it used to take only 15 minutes.  And forget about going to Roosevelt Field.  The traffic there is murder.

And to cap it off, I am sick and tired of cold winters and dealing with snow.  I really hate it.

No wonder I want to leave.

I really would love to live in Key West even though I have never been there for one thing snow has never been seen there.  I would love the warmth even though I have seen the temps go to 50 degrees once and a while by the cam at the Hog's Breath.  Some of the areas do look run down, but so do a lot of areas across the country.  Hempstead is one such area here, yuk.  But I think there is something special about the area, even with from what I see on Google Street view there are signs of flooding and new houses built on stilts.

I think it would be a great place to go to live, work and retire.  It would take some getting used to, but I would adjust without too much of a problem.  But my wife...that is another story.

Right now I need to find a way to get back to work once again.  My savings will last only so long and unemployment is a joke.  I would love it if someone from Key West ask me to send them my resume.  Maybe they are hiring or know someone that is even through the grape vine.  And it would be great if the employer would offer some sort of relocation assistance.  Even if it is to help cover the first few months rent on a place at the very least.  Tall order I know, and pipe dream?  Stranger things have happened.

Would I accept a position say in Key Largo, Marathon, Islamoradaor one of the other Keys, in one word...yes.

Anyway, on with my usual rants, I have to go to unemployment for a workshop again.  Oh what fun.

I see by the webcam at the Hog's Breath it is  76 degrees and the skies at Sunset Pier are partly cloudy, but looks like nothing to be worried about.   While here in East Egg the temp is  69 degrees and a lite breeze is blowing  from the NW.  Rain is forecast for this area later in the week.  The grass needs it.

'till next time

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I've been toying with the idea of driving to Key West.  Just bouncing it around in the back of my mind.  What would the costs be?  So I did some very rough computations and set up 4 different manners of getting there by land.  For these figures I used $6 a gallon for gas, fairly low priced hotels, roughly most of the tolls, a mid-size car rental in two sets of figures, but not include food or goodies.  They all should take about the same length of travel time give or take a few hours.  I think that the bus is the longest of them all and the most uncomfortable as well.  And these figures are for round trip.  Again these are not accurate but are for fun:

  • First method is take the Amtrak to Miami, rent a car and head to Key West, that comes in at $1,865.  Not too bad.
  • Second method is to take the Auto Train.  That is drive to VA, put the car on a train and get on board then off in Florida after that hit the road.  That comes in at $2,115 which is the most expensive route so far.
  • The third method is to take the Grey Hound to Miami, rent a car and go for it.  That is $1,872, third place.  And like I said, the most uncomfortable way to go.
  • Finally and that is to drive down and back.  That comes in at only $1,293 a sure winner when it comes to costs.  And the drive should take two days.  Maybe driving to Key West can become a reality.  Gotta play some more.
Taking the lead from a blog I read, Key West Diary by Conch Scooter, I took a few photos around the local area and commented on them.

One of the most prestigious yacht clubs in the Untied States is no more.  That is the Knickerbocker Yacht Club.  The KYC was the second oldest yacht clubs on Long Island Sound.  Now the doors are closed forever and the building is falling apart.

The sign with the once proud burgee  is nothing but scrap wood now.

 The famous Louie's Shore Restaurant.  Started out on a barge called the Kare Killer that was anchored in the bay.  Years later the Zwriline family move into the current location.  The business was sold several years ago and the new owners revamped the place.  The food is not bad either.  It so happens it was used in the movie, Meet the Fockers.

A lone sailboat on a mooring.  The only one on the bay right now.  But soon it will have loads of company.

 The Pride of Cow Bay.  The pilot house of an old tugboat made into a museum and donated  to the Town of North Hempstead by tow local business men that worked on restoring it themselves.  But no one can ever enter it.  There are faded photos in the portholes only.  What a waste.

A local hardware store.  The original burned down under mysterious circumstances many years ago.  The original plans for this one included roof top parking.  But that didn't fly.

The entrance to Mill Pond Acres.  An affordable private community.  The starting price for these affordable condos is only $850,000.  Now that is affordable by who's standards?  But believe it or not they are all sold out.  Right across from the entrance is the sewer plant.  Would you pay $850,000 to live across from something like that?

Finally, the infamous cellphone tower that went up without the communities permission that now has two armed guards and two Nassau County police officers protecting it 24/7.

I plan on taking more photos of the area and post them here as time goes on.

I wonder if anyone is reading this blog so far.  No one has commented on anything nor has anyone added it to follow.  I cannot go by the Blogger stats for I don't think they are accurate.  It would be nice to know if there are people reading this blog.

But now I have to spend the day at the unemployment office and waster more time.  Oh the joy of it all. 

I still have not gotten my severance package from the company which means we still do not have COBRA.   Gotta love New York.

Right now it is 48 here in East Egg.  Looking at the webcam at the Hog's Breath it is a chilly 67, at least it is chilly for Key West.  The sky is crystal clear by the cams at Sunset Pier and Mallory Square so I have a feeling it will be yet another perfect day in paradise.

Anyway I have to get a move on.  There is no parking at all at unemployment and I have to find a place to park.  Oh happy happy joy joy.

'till next time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Today makes it one month since I was terminated from my job.  One month with no paycheck, one month with no health coverage, one month with the feeling of uselessness.  Years gone by it was easy to land a new job, but not any more.  With the economy tanking and adding age into the mix things do not look rosy.

Companies here are hiring kids right out of college for the work for peanuts and do not require the same benefits.  Plus if one of them does not come in one day, they are replaced.  But the companies fail to realize that with age comes experience, temperament, common sense which is something today's kids lack, and the ability to see the big picture.  So people in my age bracket have a rough go at finding work.  Washington is doing nothing to put an end to age discrimination.

But one cannot give up hope.  I'm sending out more resumes like always and keeping my fingers crossed.  I reached out to everyone that was on my contact list from the job wished them a happy holiday and included a copy of my resume.  Never know if one of those will hit.  But in a way I doubt that it will.

I also figured that I am going to target the companies competition.  Dirty pool?  Yes but I am not under any agreement not to go to the competition.

Last night it was blowing hard, like as if there was a storm.  Kept us up most of the night.  Even this morning it is blowing.  Sounds like winter is back.

Glen Cove is installing cameras all over the business district so the police can watch over things.  Big brother is expanding.  The village of Sands Point has them in place recording who drives in and out of the area.  The wealthy do not like the poor people driving through the area yet there is a scenic short cut going into Manorhaven that a lot of locals use.  Soon the wealthy might put a stop to that.

Drive to Key West from the Eggs?  Doable?  Yes, take 95 down to US 1 then to paradise.  A long drive?  Heck yes, two to three days depending on traffic and how we fell during the trip.  Am I up for it?  No question about it but my wife refuses to go, at least for right now.   I have nothing but time on my hands right now and who knows, by going there might able me to land that dream job.

Right now it is 54 and blowing outside.  Looking at the Hog's Breath webcam it is a glorious 79 and by the sky at Sunset Pier only a few clouds in an otherwise crystal clear sky.  Like always Duval Street is hopping outside of Sloppy Joe's.

Anyway this is not getting anything done.

'till next time.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Plans changed for Sunday, taxes, gotta do them.  What a waste of time.  I think we all agree to that and when done we have to cough over even more of our hard earned money to Uncle Sam.  At least it is not a New York thing.

Before that we took a drive after Mass.  I brought my digital camera and I am including some photos I took of the area.

East Egg looks peaceful in the distance. You can just about make out the famous Execution Rocks in the middle of the water near the center of the picture.

Long Island Sound looks massive from this angle and void of boats.

Yes there are tugboats here...

The are used to push barges filled with sand and gravel.

You know that it is spring by the broken mussel shells that seagulls drop on the pavement to get to the tasty morsel inside.

One of the great things about living in East Egg is the toxic waste dump that we have here.  It is one of the top 10 toxic waste dumps in the entire United States.  Looks deceivingly pretty from this distance, like a large hill.

Two people enjoying a cold Palm Sunday on the beach with the romantic view of a tug boat in the distance.

Unlike Key West, the beach is very empty.  Only a handful of people dare to go out on a day like this.

Even the walkways are void of life.  In Key West everything is hopping right now.  Wish I was there...

Did I say that the beaches in East Egg are empty right now?

Our favorite landmark, the power station in Glen Head.  What a lovely sight...urrrp.

And right next to that a gasoline storage yard for Mobil Oil.  And there has been this floating crane there  all anchored up there winter long.  Wonder what is begin done?  The crane is a fixture in these waters but never anchored there for any length of time.

If it is one thing that we are not in short supply of is Canadian Geese.  Everywhere you go you are certain to find their presents.  Make sure you do not walk barefoot.

Later in the afternoon we had some rain.  Not much but I hope it is not a sign of a wet summer ahead.

Today it is a brisk 44 outside with a few scattered clouds.  They forecast some rain later on.  Looking at the Jog's Breath it is a wonderful 75.  I looked at Mallory Square and the sky had a pinkish glow.  The old saying goes  "Red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailor take warning."  Going to Sunset pier I see that the stage is back.  What do they do?  Move it around?

Heard from one of the women at the old job last night.  She says that she misses me.  She used to pop in with a wave and smile daily.  Have to admit I miss her too.

I hope to get what I planned on for Sunday done today plus more send out more resumes.  Real exciting stuff.  I would love to get that dream job in the Keys, but it does not look promising right now but can't give up.  Like the lotto, you never know.

'till next time

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Good Sunday morning.

It is 45 outside right now and the sky is overcast.  Not nice at all.  Looking at the Hog's Breath I see it is a wonderful 77 and a nice breeze is blowing.  Going to Sloppy Joe's again I see the street all wet.  I posted earlier about that and figured it was someone going hose happy washing down things.

I found another website with webcams and some of these you can control.  Cool.  On one of them I was able to look up and down Duval Street not far from the famous Sloppy Joe's and saw that the street and sidewalks were wet as if it rained over night.  I went to a webcam that is on the very end of Duval and there was no sign of left over rain.  Even on a few others.  The mystery continues.  Does it rain there nightly or is it hose happy people, or street cleaners using a ton of water?

Here we have a long stretch of road know as Roslyn West Shore Road.  It used to be a drag strip when I was growing up.  We would take our cars and race on the street.  No one bothered us, not even the police.  To this day it is still pretty open.  There is an industrial section and toxic waste site on one end and town beaches of the other.  There have been times when we were driving along the road in pouring rain and in a heart beat there was nothing, only the tracks from wet tires.

Not a drop anywhere else like we drove through some sort of rain portal.  Could Duval be like that?  It will rain in one area and the rest of Key West be bone dry?  It is interesting in how weather works.

Today is more house cleaning.  I didn't get very far yesterday, I was not feeling well and still am under the weather.  So let's see how far I can get today.

Plus like the other days, I am sending out more resumes.  Not only from the job sites but am going to print and mail out a bunch.

I received a letter from the DOL demanding that I show up in one of their office to register for their services.  If you remember from a previous post I did that already.  I think these are the papers I was told about when I made my first inquiry with them.  They are a real waste of time and energy for they do very little to nothing to help you get back to work except to remind you that you have no job.  Welcome to new York.

Anyway time to get moving.
'till next time.