Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Some may ask me, why do I want to leave Long Island. After all it has some very nice areas, loads of shopping, one of the largest shopping malls in the United States, East Egg is not that far from NYC, many important people live here, there are historic places all over, some of the finest fishing, over 500 diveable wrecks, thousands of restaurants and more. So why leave?

Well first there are no jobs here especially in the I.T. industry unless you are under 35 and even those are hard to come by. Manufacturing is leaving the island which means jobs are going too. Taxes here are insane. Where I am, there are several super fund sites with a few short miles of the house with one of the being at one time on the top ten list.

House prices even tough are falling are still outlandish.  There are more short sales and REO's than ever before.  Now here is something that does not make sense, at one point a speculator would buy a house, tear it down and put a two family in it's place.  Today that same speculator is putting up McMansions instead.  Big ugly houses with no yards and built like crap. 

Crime is way up in some areas plus it is getting over crowded.  Sometimes it takes over an hour to get someplace when it used to take only 15 minutes.  And forget about going to Roosevelt Field.  The traffic there is murder.

And to cap it off, I am sick and tired of cold winters and dealing with snow.  I really hate it.

No wonder I want to leave.

I really would love to live in Key West even though I have never been there for one thing snow has never been seen there.  I would love the warmth even though I have seen the temps go to 50 degrees once and a while by the cam at the Hog's Breath.  Some of the areas do look run down, but so do a lot of areas across the country.  Hempstead is one such area here, yuk.  But I think there is something special about the area, even with from what I see on Google Street view there are signs of flooding and new houses built on stilts.

I think it would be a great place to go to live, work and retire.  It would take some getting used to, but I would adjust without too much of a problem.  But my wife...that is another story.

Right now I need to find a way to get back to work once again.  My savings will last only so long and unemployment is a joke.  I would love it if someone from Key West ask me to send them my resume.  Maybe they are hiring or know someone that is even through the grape vine.  And it would be great if the employer would offer some sort of relocation assistance.  Even if it is to help cover the first few months rent on a place at the very least.  Tall order I know, and pipe dream?  Stranger things have happened.

Would I accept a position say in Key Largo, Marathon, Islamoradaor one of the other Keys, in one word...yes.

Anyway, on with my usual rants, I have to go to unemployment for a workshop again.  Oh what fun.

I see by the webcam at the Hog's Breath it is  76 degrees and the skies at Sunset Pier are partly cloudy, but looks like nothing to be worried about.   While here in East Egg the temp is  69 degrees and a lite breeze is blowing  from the NW.  Rain is forecast for this area later in the week.  The grass needs it.

'till next time

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