Monday, April 2, 2012

Plans changed for Sunday, taxes, gotta do them.  What a waste of time.  I think we all agree to that and when done we have to cough over even more of our hard earned money to Uncle Sam.  At least it is not a New York thing.

Before that we took a drive after Mass.  I brought my digital camera and I am including some photos I took of the area.

East Egg looks peaceful in the distance. You can just about make out the famous Execution Rocks in the middle of the water near the center of the picture.

Long Island Sound looks massive from this angle and void of boats.

Yes there are tugboats here...

The are used to push barges filled with sand and gravel.

You know that it is spring by the broken mussel shells that seagulls drop on the pavement to get to the tasty morsel inside.

One of the great things about living in East Egg is the toxic waste dump that we have here.  It is one of the top 10 toxic waste dumps in the entire United States.  Looks deceivingly pretty from this distance, like a large hill.

Two people enjoying a cold Palm Sunday on the beach with the romantic view of a tug boat in the distance.

Unlike Key West, the beach is very empty.  Only a handful of people dare to go out on a day like this.

Even the walkways are void of life.  In Key West everything is hopping right now.  Wish I was there...

Did I say that the beaches in East Egg are empty right now?

Our favorite landmark, the power station in Glen Head.  What a lovely sight...urrrp.

And right next to that a gasoline storage yard for Mobil Oil.  And there has been this floating crane there  all anchored up there winter long.  Wonder what is begin done?  The crane is a fixture in these waters but never anchored there for any length of time.

If it is one thing that we are not in short supply of is Canadian Geese.  Everywhere you go you are certain to find their presents.  Make sure you do not walk barefoot.

Later in the afternoon we had some rain.  Not much but I hope it is not a sign of a wet summer ahead.

Today it is a brisk 44 outside with a few scattered clouds.  They forecast some rain later on.  Looking at the Jog's Breath it is a wonderful 75.  I looked at Mallory Square and the sky had a pinkish glow.  The old saying goes  "Red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in morning sailor take warning."  Going to Sunset pier I see that the stage is back.  What do they do?  Move it around?

Heard from one of the women at the old job last night.  She says that she misses me.  She used to pop in with a wave and smile daily.  Have to admit I miss her too.

I hope to get what I planned on for Sunday done today plus more send out more resumes.  Real exciting stuff.  I would love to get that dream job in the Keys, but it does not look promising right now but can't give up.  Like the lotto, you never know.

'till next time

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