Thursday, January 10, 2013

1/09/13 - Visit to Key West looks like a go

First with my recent screw up when I was cleaning some typos in my blog, I have decided to add the date of the entry in the title.  This way should I ever go back and clean up my typo's you should still be able to follow along if the order gets out of wack.

I was talking with my wife who has been very hesitant in doing a trip to the Keys last night and she finally agreed to do a trip to there.  All I need to do is set it up.

Now to set a target date and how to get there.  She refuses to fly.  She has her reasons which to me are not valid but I have to go along with them.  I for one do not like the way the TSA operates. the electronic strip searches, or the groping of your body to me is an invasion of privacy.  All because of some nut jobs that want to bring down airplanes filled with innocent people.

So that leaves us with two, actually three ways of getting there.  By Amtrak to Miami and rent a car, take the auto train fron Va to Fla, or drive the entire distance.  I think I might have gone over this in an earlier blog.

Driving probably would be the cheapist way.  But it will take it's toll on the body.  We would need to make sevearl pit stops along the way to stretch.  And of course we should rent a car to go from NY all the way down to save wear and tear on ours.  But going out of state with a rental adds mileage charges.

So I figure best way to go is to take Amtrak all the way, rent a car in Miami and go from there.

Now when?  I could do it right now.  But it is peak tourist season there right now and I don't like dealing with that kind of crush.  It is good for the economy of the Keys.  But I want to go there not only to see the area as a tourist (gad I'd be a tourist...yuk) but to look into the real possibilty of moving and living there.  So maybe June when the peak season has died down and everything is more relaxed.

I've already crunched some numbers in how much this will cost.  They are rough right now but in a few days I should have a much better idea as to the final costs.

So far it has been 10 months since I was terminated.  Right now there are no job prospects on the horizon.  Newsday said in their recent Sunday edition that the outlook for information technology is non-existent.  They produced a guide to the best fields to go into and not one was computer related.

I created a professional page on FB and invited several people to click 'like' on it.  It has tips, hints and recommendations on it.  So far no one has clicked 'like' on it.  What is disturbing is that I clicked 'like' on some of their pages.  I'll give it a few days.

Right now it is a warm 40 degrees with clear skies in East Egg.  While in Key West it is a glorious 77   with clear skies.

'till next time

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