Sunday, January 6, 2013

Friday I had an interview and finally a job offer.  Not in Key West I'm afraid but here on Long Island.  My duties were pretty much identical with what I was doing at my last job only without being the CTO.  So far so good.

The offer was for 19 hours a week at $15 and hour with no benefits at all and I was to use my own car at my expense going to the various locations here in Nassau County.  After taxes I would be bringing home a whole $190 a week.  With the re-reinstatement of unemployment which already is at poverty level, I get more money that way.  So obviously I passed on the offer.  If they made it worthwhile then maybe, buy for $190, not a chance.

I woke up at 5 AM to snow on the ground this morning.  I said some fitting words that do not need to be repeated here and went back to bed.  It was only a dusting but even that is too much for me.  We got up finally at 8AM and the snow was all gone thankfully.  My wife yells at me that I should sit back and enjoy the beauty of the snow.  Like I keep telling here, only in a painting or photograph.  I have had more than my fill of it for my life.

I was cleaning up my blogs recently, correcting a few typos and found that they are now out of order.  So I apologize for that.  I wish Google had a better blogging system.

In the next few weeks I am going to add some more minor features to this blog.  Like links to other pages, blogs and places that deal with the Keys.

Other than that it is quiet here and it is time to take down the tree.

It is 43 degrees here and partly cloudy while looking at Sunset Pier I see it is partly cloudy there too and by Conch TV.Com, it is a wonderful 79 outside.

'till next time


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