Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter is here

Winter has begun to raise it's ugly head here on Long Island. Not including the freak snow storm right after Sandy which was a freak also, we had some snow on Christmas eve.
It was not much snow, only a light dusting that covered the tops of the cars. For me it was way too much snow. By morning it was all gone. The only sad thing, is that the kids did not have a white Christmas. I think that one day out of the year we should have snow everywhere just for the kids. After the sun goes down then the snow can vanish.

Last Thursday a winter storm barelled through the area. By 1Pm the snow was coming down so hard we could not see up the street. Looking at a webcam at one of the yacht clubs you had under a mile of visibility. The winds picked up with gusts to 50mph by me. It got real cold real fast. Then it started to rain and thankfuly it washed the snow away. But that brought about another fear, ice. It felt so cold we had fears that the roads would ice over and we would get hit with an ice storm.

 I checked the weather from LGA and saw that the temp was 40 degrees, that means no ice. But the wind chill was 28 so no wonder we were freezing. The wind was howling so bad it was sucking the heat right out pf the house. We had to bump the thermostat up just to try and stay warm. It was not until 3am that the winds died down and we were able to get some sleep. But it was not a restful sleep.  

I was already chilled to the bone and thinking about the oil bill did not help. We just got a load of 250 gallons of oil and that ran over $1,000. It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't need a fill up every two weeks. And with the wind sucking the heat out of the building and the bitter cold ahead, 250 gallons will not last very long. 

 In an earlier post, I stated that the oil prices here were going to skyrocket and they just took off. Last winter was mild as far as winters go so the oil companies did not sell that much oil. Since the volume was down, so was the prifits. Now we have to pay for it with higher oil bills to make up the difference.

Yesterday another oil delivery which cost $850.  At this rate we will go bankrupt real fast.

Yesterday it was cold and it is colder today.  It is about 26 right now.  Thankfully there is no real wind to suck out more heat.  Just a few puffs of air, that is all.  In anycase it is way too cold for me.  Every inch of my body is in pain from the cold.  But not much can be done about it right now.

Finally a job interview this afternoon.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.  

I see the the Hog's Breath Saloon has a new website.  I tried to access the webcam from my bookmarks and couldn't connect so I entered the URL.  When I got to the site the thermometer was gone.  Andcit took quite a while for the site to load.  Th old site loaded much faster and was cleaner.  There are too many graphical elements on the new site which takes a while to load.

The site that I goto with the remote control cameras under went a bit of a change as well.  The got rid of the cam outside of the Lazy Geecko.   And now have one at Fort Zachary Taylor that is facing the sun.  You cannot see much.  And they added one for Miami.  What does Miami have to do with Key West?  Especially if the website says "Key West" on it?

The Cowboy Bill's famous 'bullcam' is still off line.  I have to wonder if they are going to fix it.

Anyway I see by NOAA is is 77 in Key West with partly cloudy skies.  Looking at the webcam at Mallory Square, it looks fantastic.  While here in East egg we are at 26 degrees with crystal clear skies.

'till next time

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