Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wicked storms hit the NY metro area in the beginning of July. A woman was hit by lightning and survived, in another area lightning hit a tree and it exploded sending shrapnel out killing 2 people. Glen Cove Road was flooded by rain and had to be closed off.

A bolt of lightning hit about 50 feet from our house. It took out our phone and internet connection from Verizon, fried the ONT, router, and a network switch . We didn't loose any computers thankfully. When a storm rolls in we shut the computers off for surge protectors really cannot handle the power from a lightning strike. So why risk it?

I was talking with one of the guys from my former company and he was telling me how bad things have gotten. My 26 year old replacement does not have the technical skills to do what I did so he and my former nasty raciest boss are outsourcing the actual technical service. Now the end user has to log onto a website and submit a job ticket provided they can go on line. Now it takes anywhere from a few days to a week to get service and when they get service the company has things so screwed up it is pathetic. As an example it takes my friends computer about an hour to boot up after these jerks have worked on it.

When I was there the user called me and got instant service, no waiting. Plus when I fixed the system, it stayed fixed first time out.

Now here is the real kicker to show you how stupid they are, I saved them $3 million by not outsourcing technical support. I did 12,000 hours of service in 6 years, multiply that by 250 which is the hourly rate for tech support around here and you get 3 million. And after they fired me they outsource tech support. Where is the savings? They could have doubled my salary and I would still save them money.  As of this date since March that firm charged them half a million already.

And here is a good laugh, that punk now has to answer to the outsource company.  Shows you if you screw around you will get bit.

Too bad  the Board of Directors is blind to the fact that the company is now getting screwed over.  If they contact me and offered me my job back, I'd go but there would be some concessions.  Like that nasty boss that fired me is terminated as well as that punk.  They never let me empty my office so they should do the same for them.

 The job search is still going no where. No interviews, no inquiries, nothing. With unemployment over 8% and that is based on those that are still collecting unemployment and not those not collecting that are still out of work, it is not a good sign.

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