Sunday, January 6, 2013

My search for a new job and life in the Keys has been very frustrating at best. So far it has been going no place fast. During this time I have been doing some reserch on the area as you know from an earlier post. What I am finding real is not very encouraging at all.

One of my earlier contacts from Facebook wrote to me and said that there is no industry there except tourism. And in order to survive most people have to work two jobs. In the 2011 edition of Island Life printed by the Keys Citizen echos the same story that in ordr to survive you need two jobs.

As far as industry goes, there really is none. But then again who wants to work for a large company anyway? I sure don't. The office politics. bag stabbing, being nothing more than a number in a cube farm really does not or has it ever appealed to me. I prefer to work in Small to Medium size Business (or what is known as SMB) instead. Here you are more than a number and your contrbutions to the company are easy to recognize.

My former company has about 100 people working for them (80 on the Active Directory )when I was replaced by a 26 year old. So that size company would classify as a SMB.

Looking around Key West from here I see that there are are some SMB's there that could utilize my skills. Ok maybe a few with a staff level that my last place had give or take a few people. I feel that there has got to be an opportunity there.

In several articles that I've read stated how expensive it is to live there starting with housing [cite]. I have seen some fairly nice places advertised on real estate sites in Key West for under $300K. Of course I saw plenty at over a million as well.

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