Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Woke to thunder storms this morning. The forecast for the day is hot and humid. Typical Long Island summer weather. The storms should be gone by 10ish but you never know. One thing is for sure it will be muggy.

Yesterday at church was the regular church music. Normally on the day before Memorial Day at the end of mass they play the national anthem. Since we have a new pastor that song is no longer played on or near the holidays that honor our country. This guy is a piece of work.

Saturday the Town of North Hempstead had a fireworks show in Hemstead Harbor. Traffic in the area was shut down because of the crowds. Long gone are the 4th of July fireworks. They don't shoot them off any more around here. First is the cost of the show, next and this is the main reason, insurance. It costs a fortune in insurance costs yet there have been no claims.

Schumer was on TV talking about the high price of gasoline and how he feels that we are getting ripped off by the oil companies. Shame I've heard those words before. Big oil has been screwing the American motorist since the fake oil crisis in the 1970's. Politicians scream about the prices and nothing is ever done about it.

Saw Palin on the back of a hog in the rolling thunder parade in DC. What on Earth is she doing there? The parade or tour is to honor those who were left behind in 'Nam. She was using this as a photo op as a bid for the next elections. You listened to her on the back of the hog and she sounded just like trash. Not someone you would want in office.

There is no question that summer is here. You have to listen to that hokey electronic music from the ice-cream trucks several times a day. Where I live there are three different trucks that roam here and they each make a pass at least twice. One goes by three times. Circus Man, a used Mr. Softee truck now sporting the name Mr. Ice Cream and some turkey with a hand made sign in the front window that say 'Mel.'. What kind of brand is that? Mel?

If you want noise pollution, we have it. All day long with those trucks. The town should outlaw them.

I have more to say but there is a lot that needs to be done around the house.

'till next time and have a Happy Memorial Day.

Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23/11 - Zombie attack....not

May 21st was to be the rapture of the zombies. Nut jobs forecasted that second of the signs of the end of the world. Living dead would come back as the Earth split open by massive Earth quakes to devour the living. It was good for a laugh. Nothing ever happened, no zombies, no rapture, no end of life. "Praise the Lord the world is coming to an end.  Repent sinners, repent!  The Zombies are going to eat your brains!"  Gotta love these nut jobs.

Speaking of nut jobs, my kids showed this one on YouTube that screams and curses all the time. Some red head kid, not going to give you his handle here for he does not need the extra publicity. He went on screaming and rambling without any train of thought. He has several videos like that. Wonder how do the neighbors stand him and why no one has beaten some sense into him. I would love to see the men in the white coats drive up and put a straight jacket on him.

The weather here has been horrible.  Rain, rain and more rain.  When it the rain stops it is as humid as all hell.  Today is muggy but chilly.
I stopped off at the local Stop and Shop and while checking out there was a woman who was obviously Islamic bagging the food.  She never looked up almost as if she was embarrassed.  She finally made eye contact with me but gave a timid smile.  It was later that I learned that in some sects of Islam women are not allowed to look at men even in the United States.  What the????  How can people live like that?  To me that is crazy in all aspects.

Time to go back to work.

'till next time.

Friday, May 20, 2011

5/20/11 - Higher Taxes

The school budget passed with flying colors, again. This means even higher taxes for us. Already our taxes are insane and a lot of people are having trouble keeping up with them. Now it is going to be worse.

All I can say it the voters were a bunch of dumb asses. No two ways about it. But at the same time even if the budget failed the vote which it has only once as far back as I can remember, the contingency budget is still higher than the current one which will still push the taxes up. It is a no win situation. We get screwed over by the out of control school system no matter what happens.

The schools are always at the ready to toss out the threat that the children would be deprived of an education if the budget fails. That is a crock of bull. By state law you cannot hold back education from the children. What they are not telling you is that the teachers will not get as high a raise.

The teachers here work only 6 month out of the year and make on the average of $120k per year! And of the 6 months that they work, they work only 6 hours a day! A job where you make $120k for only 6 months at part time hours. Great life.

But then they will toot the horn saying how difficult it is and how hard they work. Yet the school system has stated that they do not want to teach the children how to read until the 3rd grade. That is something that the voters never realized. I learned that from someone who work in the schools. That is the official mandate. They would rather work with the children with their social skills. Forget the ABC's. No wonder the graduating classes of the high school are illiterate.

Rain all week so far. We had the sun for a few hours yesterday and that was it. More rain in the forecast for today and into the weekend. Yuk. Better rain than snow, that is for sure.

We had one of THOSE lectures at the job. Sexual harassment and discrimination. Talk about a waste of time. I was falling asleep during it. The person giving the talk wanted to do a full day for staff and another full day for managers. The front office talked them down to 3 hours each. And what was gone over could have been done in 30 minutes.

The worst thing about this it will give a nut job an idea or two.  Unfortunately we have one of those nut jobs in the office.  She will thump the bible one minute and stab you in the back the next and the company lets her get away with it.

Saw that Arnie was caught double dipping.  He joined the ranks of Clinton, Woods, Letterman, Spitzer and so many others.  The Terminator as been terminated.  Maria made sure of that.

I have more to say, but I am tired from a very long week.  It is Friday and I am going to grab a few and call it a day.

'till next time.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/17/11 - School Budget Vote

Today is the vote for the school budget. We must have four calls at the house yesterday with live people telling us to vote yes. My wife gave each of them a piece of her mind.

First off who in the hell are they calling an unlisted number in the first place? Next we are on the do not call list, which is a joke to begin with so how in the hell did they get our number? Finally are they crazy? Don't they realize that by voting yes you stand to send your already insanely high taxes even higher? Even if the budget fails the contingent buddy is only 2 million short of the one they have planned now and that too will send taxes higher.

And through all of this come the threats that the children will be deprived of a sound education. Guess what, the children do not suffer at all! They might cut a few bus routes but the big thing is never touched and that is these teachers who only work 180 days a year and only 6 hours a day still get their raises that are way over the cost of living increase. That is what the deal is, payroll not education. Most of the kids coming out of high school have to enroll into extra help classes in college before attending regular classes. So what is the problem? The teachers in my town do not care if you learn anything. The kids all get passed along to higher grades because of social promotion not because they are ready for the next step. The thinking is that they will catch up later on. But later on is too late.

Our school system here needs a good enema to get rid of the crap that is running the school board and classrooms.

Today it is pouring cats and dogs. And it is freezing as well. Had to boast the heat a few notches. Where is spring?

'till next time.

Monday, May 16, 2011

5/16/11 - Cold wet Monday

Woke up to another cold and wet Monday.  I really hate this weather.  Wish it was warm all year round, but never on Long Island.

Stopped off for a donut this morning. The town parking lot is divided into commuter parking and metered parking.  Obviously I went to the metered parking.  There was a cop parked at the other side of the parking lot in their new hot rod Dodge Charger.

The meters in the parking lot have a button when you push it you get a free 10 minutes of parking. So I pushed it to get the free minutes and went into the donut shop.  No sooner than I went in the cop raced to where I was parked and made sure that the button was pushed.  He even parked behind my car thinking that I would be longer than the 10 minutes to give me a ticket.  Talk about desperate.  I was out in 4 minutes with plenty of time to spare.  He was not happy.

There is a woman here in the office that goes to lunch with me from time to time.  She wanted to go on Friday but I had to run out to the house.  So today we are going to lunch together.  Nice woman, great personality, pleasant person.  And she is cute too.  I feel bad for her, she lost her husband a year ago to a bad accident.  That didn't slow her down.  Strong woman.  I almost think that she has an eye out for me.  Cool.

We are going to have a sexual harassment lecture later this week.  OMG.  Talk about a waste of time.  With the way that crap is going today it is no wonder why they have them.  A lot of people are sue happy and this helps to try and stop or lower the amount of lawsuits.  But one of the big problems with these kinds of lectures, it gives nut jobs ideas.  We had this lecture two years ago and it did give a nut job an idea.  She made up a false complaint on someone here.  The investigation lasted three months and it turned out that she made up the whole thing.  The way the laws are written she was able to get away with it and nothing could be done about it.  Welcome to New York.

Time to get back to work.

'till next time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/11 - The weekend

Saturday is finally here. Thank God the work week is over. No major disasters during the week thankfully.
One of my staff lost a relative on Friday. Friday the 13th is now a bad luck day for him. We wanted to pay our respects but there services are private. I can respect that. My prayers are with him.

I saw the cardiologist the other day. No bad news but nothing super positive either. Status quo. At one point it looked like I was going in for surgery but at least now that has been pushed back. It might happen it might not. It will remain a crap shoot for now. I have to lose weight in any case.

The FAA has re-routed jet traffic to fly over the north shore. Now we listen to the constant sound of low flying jets. The people in Howard Beach which is right by JFK have been complaining about the noise for years. Can't say I blame them but they moved there long after the airport was built so they knew what they were getting into.  So they do not have the right to complain.  But they did not we are forced to listen to the constant noise where we never had to before or at least on rare occasions.  One good thing it could potentially lower property values making the area more affordable.

Today is damp cold and snotty.  Not nice weather at all.  Up until yesterday we had some decent weather.  Not too hot not too cold.  But now it feels like that we are back in winter.  Looking out the window I see the skies are darkening and getting ready for rain.  Seems like it always rains on the weekends around here.  Hate it.

Went to the store to grab a few things.  I lost count in how many people like to run red lights around here.  I saw them blow through red lights right in front of police cars and the cops didn't do a thing.

Even the hands free cell phone law is a joke.  I've seen people talking on a cell phone in front of a cop and nothing is done.  Love it.

Sunday I woke up to a down pour.  Rain and more rain.  At least the grass will grow but it looks like a wet weekend summer ahead, again.

Debating if we should go to church today or not.  After the way the priest lied to me I really do not want to step into the building again.  Shame, we have been members of that parish for over 25 years.  But it is going down hill fast.

Hope to get some work done in the house today.  Would be a good day for it.  The tomorrow we start afresh with another day in paradise.

'till next time.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/11/11 - Busy Monday

It was very busy for a Monday. Not only in the office but with things outside the office.

Right after 911 the whole country went into panic mode in regards to airport security. After all those bastards did use jet airliners as guided missiles to kill thousands of innocent lives. Then there was the moron who had a bomb in his shoe and let's not forget the other moron with a bomb in his crotch that cooked his genitals instead. No wonder they are now doing electronic strip searches with pat downs (or as one friend calls it groping your goodies).

My wife and I have always commented what about other forms of mass transit like trains. We have taken the Amtrak, LIRR, Path and various subways and were never inspected once. Of course Penn Station now has bomb sniffers but those a not that accurate for they sniff large areas and nothing pin point. So it would not be too difficult for some moron to do something. Only now did Chuck Schumer make a statement that we need to protect our rail service. Hey Chuck what took you so long?

Next let's look at the bus service and let us not forget our bridges and tunnels. As Americans we have the right to travel without any restrictions. But thanks to low functioning idiotic Islamic fundamentalists with nothing but hate in their hearts we are slowly having those rights taken away.

Now don't think that I feel all of those that practice Islam are that way. I now of several people who do practice it and they feel the same way. After all it takes only a few bad apples to ruin the whole bunch.
what needs to be done is not nip the problem from the very start. If we took out BinLaden years ago we would not have had 911 in the first place. A little covert mission to eradicate a threat before it gets too big is in order. We have the capabilities, or at least did before Washington became candy-assed.

It is that time for the school budgets once again.  The newspaper gave a percentage increase and no numbers.  Makes you wonder how bad it will be.  Then we got the proposed budget in the mail and then had heart attacks.  It is outlandish at the amount the school board wants.

Each year the budget gets higher and higher and higher.  Each year our taxes get worse and worse and worse.  People simply can no longer to afford to live here because of the high taxes.  The school budget is the largest factor around.

Only once has the budget ever been defeated.  And then the school board was mandated by the state to go to an austerity budget.  What a joke that was.  The budget went up but not as high as the board wanted in the first place.  The following year the budget was even higher than the one voted down in the previous year and passed!

The school teachers make excellent salaries with all the bennies.  Well over $100K a year.  And they do not work full time either.  They work only 180 days a year.  Something is wrong with this picture.  And to boot, a lot of the kids graduating out of the high school are illiterate.  A lot of colleges, especially Nassau Community College has the fundamental programs for students to attend before they can take regular classes.  They even have a program that is below high school level just to get these kids onto a level playing field.

Each year the school tosses out hundreds of good and new text books only to buy them again in the fall.  What ever happened to using them for a few years?  Talk about a waste of money.

Everyone complains about the budget and you hear the word "No" all over.  But each year the budget gets passed.  Long Island is out of control with the way the costs are going up.

I received a job offer by be someone's personal assistant.  I could make $250 a day doing this.  Errr and...  It will only cost me...ready? A small deposit of only $1,000 to get started...what a deal!  Gimmie a break!!  Talk about a scam.

The church is still as horrible as ever.  That nut job went ahead and made an announcement about her page being launched.  The priest did not say anything like that this is not an official church site.  He claimed that he knew nothing but in all actuality he knew all about it and is pretending that he didn't know a thing.  Yes priests can lie too.  My wife and I were talking about leaving the parish because it is going to the toilet faster than you know what through a goose.

'till next time.