Monday, May 23, 2011

5/23/11 - Zombie attack....not

May 21st was to be the rapture of the zombies. Nut jobs forecasted that second of the signs of the end of the world. Living dead would come back as the Earth split open by massive Earth quakes to devour the living. It was good for a laugh. Nothing ever happened, no zombies, no rapture, no end of life. "Praise the Lord the world is coming to an end.  Repent sinners, repent!  The Zombies are going to eat your brains!"  Gotta love these nut jobs.

Speaking of nut jobs, my kids showed this one on YouTube that screams and curses all the time. Some red head kid, not going to give you his handle here for he does not need the extra publicity. He went on screaming and rambling without any train of thought. He has several videos like that. Wonder how do the neighbors stand him and why no one has beaten some sense into him. I would love to see the men in the white coats drive up and put a straight jacket on him.

The weather here has been horrible.  Rain, rain and more rain.  When it the rain stops it is as humid as all hell.  Today is muggy but chilly.
I stopped off at the local Stop and Shop and while checking out there was a woman who was obviously Islamic bagging the food.  She never looked up almost as if she was embarrassed.  She finally made eye contact with me but gave a timid smile.  It was later that I learned that in some sects of Islam women are not allowed to look at men even in the United States.  What the????  How can people live like that?  To me that is crazy in all aspects.

Time to go back to work.

'till next time.

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