Wednesday, May 11, 2011

5/11/11 - Busy Monday

It was very busy for a Monday. Not only in the office but with things outside the office.

Right after 911 the whole country went into panic mode in regards to airport security. After all those bastards did use jet airliners as guided missiles to kill thousands of innocent lives. Then there was the moron who had a bomb in his shoe and let's not forget the other moron with a bomb in his crotch that cooked his genitals instead. No wonder they are now doing electronic strip searches with pat downs (or as one friend calls it groping your goodies).

My wife and I have always commented what about other forms of mass transit like trains. We have taken the Amtrak, LIRR, Path and various subways and were never inspected once. Of course Penn Station now has bomb sniffers but those a not that accurate for they sniff large areas and nothing pin point. So it would not be too difficult for some moron to do something. Only now did Chuck Schumer make a statement that we need to protect our rail service. Hey Chuck what took you so long?

Next let's look at the bus service and let us not forget our bridges and tunnels. As Americans we have the right to travel without any restrictions. But thanks to low functioning idiotic Islamic fundamentalists with nothing but hate in their hearts we are slowly having those rights taken away.

Now don't think that I feel all of those that practice Islam are that way. I now of several people who do practice it and they feel the same way. After all it takes only a few bad apples to ruin the whole bunch.
what needs to be done is not nip the problem from the very start. If we took out BinLaden years ago we would not have had 911 in the first place. A little covert mission to eradicate a threat before it gets too big is in order. We have the capabilities, or at least did before Washington became candy-assed.

It is that time for the school budgets once again.  The newspaper gave a percentage increase and no numbers.  Makes you wonder how bad it will be.  Then we got the proposed budget in the mail and then had heart attacks.  It is outlandish at the amount the school board wants.

Each year the budget gets higher and higher and higher.  Each year our taxes get worse and worse and worse.  People simply can no longer to afford to live here because of the high taxes.  The school budget is the largest factor around.

Only once has the budget ever been defeated.  And then the school board was mandated by the state to go to an austerity budget.  What a joke that was.  The budget went up but not as high as the board wanted in the first place.  The following year the budget was even higher than the one voted down in the previous year and passed!

The school teachers make excellent salaries with all the bennies.  Well over $100K a year.  And they do not work full time either.  They work only 180 days a year.  Something is wrong with this picture.  And to boot, a lot of the kids graduating out of the high school are illiterate.  A lot of colleges, especially Nassau Community College has the fundamental programs for students to attend before they can take regular classes.  They even have a program that is below high school level just to get these kids onto a level playing field.

Each year the school tosses out hundreds of good and new text books only to buy them again in the fall.  What ever happened to using them for a few years?  Talk about a waste of money.

Everyone complains about the budget and you hear the word "No" all over.  But each year the budget gets passed.  Long Island is out of control with the way the costs are going up.

I received a job offer by be someone's personal assistant.  I could make $250 a day doing this.  Errr and...  It will only cost me...ready? A small deposit of only $1,000 to get started...what a deal!  Gimmie a break!!  Talk about a scam.

The church is still as horrible as ever.  That nut job went ahead and made an announcement about her page being launched.  The priest did not say anything like that this is not an official church site.  He claimed that he knew nothing but in all actuality he knew all about it and is pretending that he didn't know a thing.  Yes priests can lie too.  My wife and I were talking about leaving the parish because it is going to the toilet faster than you know what through a goose.

'till next time.

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