Friday, May 20, 2011

5/20/11 - Higher Taxes

The school budget passed with flying colors, again. This means even higher taxes for us. Already our taxes are insane and a lot of people are having trouble keeping up with them. Now it is going to be worse.

All I can say it the voters were a bunch of dumb asses. No two ways about it. But at the same time even if the budget failed the vote which it has only once as far back as I can remember, the contingency budget is still higher than the current one which will still push the taxes up. It is a no win situation. We get screwed over by the out of control school system no matter what happens.

The schools are always at the ready to toss out the threat that the children would be deprived of an education if the budget fails. That is a crock of bull. By state law you cannot hold back education from the children. What they are not telling you is that the teachers will not get as high a raise.

The teachers here work only 6 month out of the year and make on the average of $120k per year! And of the 6 months that they work, they work only 6 hours a day! A job where you make $120k for only 6 months at part time hours. Great life.

But then they will toot the horn saying how difficult it is and how hard they work. Yet the school system has stated that they do not want to teach the children how to read until the 3rd grade. That is something that the voters never realized. I learned that from someone who work in the schools. That is the official mandate. They would rather work with the children with their social skills. Forget the ABC's. No wonder the graduating classes of the high school are illiterate.

Rain all week so far. We had the sun for a few hours yesterday and that was it. More rain in the forecast for today and into the weekend. Yuk. Better rain than snow, that is for sure.

We had one of THOSE lectures at the job. Sexual harassment and discrimination. Talk about a waste of time. I was falling asleep during it. The person giving the talk wanted to do a full day for staff and another full day for managers. The front office talked them down to 3 hours each. And what was gone over could have been done in 30 minutes.

The worst thing about this it will give a nut job an idea or two.  Unfortunately we have one of those nut jobs in the office.  She will thump the bible one minute and stab you in the back the next and the company lets her get away with it.

Saw that Arnie was caught double dipping.  He joined the ranks of Clinton, Woods, Letterman, Spitzer and so many others.  The Terminator as been terminated.  Maria made sure of that.

I have more to say, but I am tired from a very long week.  It is Friday and I am going to grab a few and call it a day.

'till next time.

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