Tuesday, May 17, 2011

5/17/11 - School Budget Vote

Today is the vote for the school budget. We must have four calls at the house yesterday with live people telling us to vote yes. My wife gave each of them a piece of her mind.

First off who in the hell are they calling an unlisted number in the first place? Next we are on the do not call list, which is a joke to begin with so how in the hell did they get our number? Finally are they crazy? Don't they realize that by voting yes you stand to send your already insanely high taxes even higher? Even if the budget fails the contingent buddy is only 2 million short of the one they have planned now and that too will send taxes higher.

And through all of this come the threats that the children will be deprived of a sound education. Guess what, the children do not suffer at all! They might cut a few bus routes but the big thing is never touched and that is these teachers who only work 180 days a year and only 6 hours a day still get their raises that are way over the cost of living increase. That is what the deal is, payroll not education. Most of the kids coming out of high school have to enroll into extra help classes in college before attending regular classes. So what is the problem? The teachers in my town do not care if you learn anything. The kids all get passed along to higher grades because of social promotion not because they are ready for the next step. The thinking is that they will catch up later on. But later on is too late.

Our school system here needs a good enema to get rid of the crap that is running the school board and classrooms.

Today it is pouring cats and dogs. And it is freezing as well. Had to boast the heat a few notches. Where is spring?

'till next time.

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