Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/11 - The weekend

Saturday is finally here. Thank God the work week is over. No major disasters during the week thankfully.
One of my staff lost a relative on Friday. Friday the 13th is now a bad luck day for him. We wanted to pay our respects but there services are private. I can respect that. My prayers are with him.

I saw the cardiologist the other day. No bad news but nothing super positive either. Status quo. At one point it looked like I was going in for surgery but at least now that has been pushed back. It might happen it might not. It will remain a crap shoot for now. I have to lose weight in any case.

The FAA has re-routed jet traffic to fly over the north shore. Now we listen to the constant sound of low flying jets. The people in Howard Beach which is right by JFK have been complaining about the noise for years. Can't say I blame them but they moved there long after the airport was built so they knew what they were getting into.  So they do not have the right to complain.  But they did not we are forced to listen to the constant noise where we never had to before or at least on rare occasions.  One good thing it could potentially lower property values making the area more affordable.

Today is damp cold and snotty.  Not nice weather at all.  Up until yesterday we had some decent weather.  Not too hot not too cold.  But now it feels like that we are back in winter.  Looking out the window I see the skies are darkening and getting ready for rain.  Seems like it always rains on the weekends around here.  Hate it.

Went to the store to grab a few things.  I lost count in how many people like to run red lights around here.  I saw them blow through red lights right in front of police cars and the cops didn't do a thing.

Even the hands free cell phone law is a joke.  I've seen people talking on a cell phone in front of a cop and nothing is done.  Love it.

Sunday I woke up to a down pour.  Rain and more rain.  At least the grass will grow but it looks like a wet weekend summer ahead, again.

Debating if we should go to church today or not.  After the way the priest lied to me I really do not want to step into the building again.  Shame, we have been members of that parish for over 25 years.  But it is going down hill fast.

Hope to get some work done in the house today.  Would be a good day for it.  The tomorrow we start afresh with another day in paradise.

'till next time.

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