Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Woke to thunder storms this morning. The forecast for the day is hot and humid. Typical Long Island summer weather. The storms should be gone by 10ish but you never know. One thing is for sure it will be muggy.

Yesterday at church was the regular church music. Normally on the day before Memorial Day at the end of mass they play the national anthem. Since we have a new pastor that song is no longer played on or near the holidays that honor our country. This guy is a piece of work.

Saturday the Town of North Hempstead had a fireworks show in Hemstead Harbor. Traffic in the area was shut down because of the crowds. Long gone are the 4th of July fireworks. They don't shoot them off any more around here. First is the cost of the show, next and this is the main reason, insurance. It costs a fortune in insurance costs yet there have been no claims.

Schumer was on TV talking about the high price of gasoline and how he feels that we are getting ripped off by the oil companies. Shame I've heard those words before. Big oil has been screwing the American motorist since the fake oil crisis in the 1970's. Politicians scream about the prices and nothing is ever done about it.

Saw Palin on the back of a hog in the rolling thunder parade in DC. What on Earth is she doing there? The parade or tour is to honor those who were left behind in 'Nam. She was using this as a photo op as a bid for the next elections. You listened to her on the back of the hog and she sounded just like trash. Not someone you would want in office.

There is no question that summer is here. You have to listen to that hokey electronic music from the ice-cream trucks several times a day. Where I live there are three different trucks that roam here and they each make a pass at least twice. One goes by three times. Circus Man, a used Mr. Softee truck now sporting the name Mr. Ice Cream and some turkey with a hand made sign in the front window that say 'Mel.'. What kind of brand is that? Mel?

If you want noise pollution, we have it. All day long with those trucks. The town should outlaw them.

I have more to say but there is a lot that needs to be done around the house.

'till next time and have a Happy Memorial Day.

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