Saturday, October 6, 2012

I had a response on Facebook in regard to one of my blog posts that I feel deserves some discussion.  As we all know I am tired of living in New York with all the crap and cold winters so I really yearn to land a computer / network support job in the Keys. And not an entry level one either.

The comment was that I should just move for if I am not there how can I find a job?  The comment has some merit to be sure.  But at the same time there is a major pit fall with it.  I'll explain.

Right now I have been unemployed for seven months with no light at the end of the tunnel.  I send out resume after resume and nothing.  So to move blindly without any resources coming in would be foolish especially with nothing lined up in the Keys.  Especially since I do not have a large cash reserve to provide a cushion.

For me to go down there with no interviews lined up is asking for a disaster.  It is not like the Keys are on the other side of Long Island Sound.  We are talking about a chunk of money to go there blindly just to blindly knock on doors.  And with no income coming in it would be too risky.

If I can line up a few interviews, then going there for them is well worth the risk.  Even to start things off a phone or Skype interview could potentially get the ball rolling.  After that grab a plane, put up with the TSA, hit the interview and hopefully get the right offer.  And from that point, rent a U-Haul and say "good bye New York."  But first I need to get some kind of a response to my resume.  Either from a direct connection or from a someone who passes my name along.

Until then, I can only keep my fingers crossed and keep sending out resumes and tap Facebook and LinkedIn contacts for leads.

With the announcement on Friday that we are looking at some drastic tax hikes here in Nassau County, getting out of New York is more imperative. Property taxes are going up as much as 30% and school taxes as much as 12%. Areas with lower incomes are getting hit the hardest while the wealthier sections are getting less of an increase. But no matter how how slice it up, it is no longer financially feasible to stay on Long Island much longer so landing a job in the Keys is getting to be much more important than before.

'till next time.


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