Thursday, October 4, 2012

Coming up to seven months of unemployment.  So far nothing really on the horizon.  Friday an interview in NYC with a headhunter.  I don't need to go into that again.  But I cannot rule them out for you never know if the right opportunity come through them.

I am not confident at all.

I did get a hit earlier this week but it would entail re-locating to Dallas Tx.  The pay was not there by a long shot and there was no relocation assistance at all.  Not even with help in setting up in an apartment for a few months to get established.

Even if the pay and the relocation was there I still would think hard about it for my heart is in working in the Keys.

I saw an ad at the DRC the other day looking for a tech.  Temping but the pay was entry level.  I am not entry level by far.

I should know by the end of the week if I get the extended unemployment or not.  It is crazy in how the state of New York jerks you around.  Even the unemployment is at poverty level.  I am at the maximum benefit which is $400 per week.  You can't feed a family on that.  A friend of mine who was just let go from the same company I was in lives in NJ.  His salary was below mine and he gets over $600 a week in unemployment in NJ.  Yes it sucks to live in New York.

To make myself a little more competitive I had my hair touched up today to hide the gray.  Something that was mentioned to at the DoL when I went to their workshops.
I need to look younger, but at what cost?  And I am not talking financial here.

Another friend that was in the same company I was in who got the axe before me for her age as well is in another firm under a temporary contract.  She was telling me how bad it was there and she is sending out resumes as well.  She hopes to line something up by the time her contract is up.  I wish her luck.

So far no one has answered my query as to life in the Keys.  I am not pleased at that.  So I reached out to official channels starting with Monroe County.  Maybe then I can get the information that I need to help me make a decision if I should move there or not.  After Monroe County then maybe to each of the towns/cities in the Keys and maybe the chambers of commerce of each.  Someone should be able to answer at least half of my questions.

I yearn to move to the Keys in the worst way.  But I need to be able to support myself and family.  I am sure that a few of the kids will not move and my wife is dead set against it.  So there is a lot on my plate.  Oh how I long to be able to sit back on a beach there and listen to the sounds of the waves and never have to think about shoveling snow.

I have not had the chance to view the webcams there recently but a few seem to be down like Cowboy Bill's and a few of the remote control ones.

Right now it is 71 and overcast with high humidity here.  Looking at the Hog's Breath it is a glorious 86.  Looking at Mallory Square I see a storm brewing up north. 

Anyway back to it.

'till next time


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