Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sandy is crawling up the Atlantic and is expected to make land fall anywhere between South Carolina  and Massachusetts as of this writing.  Listening to the weather forecasters they expect it to hit Long Island Monday or Tuesday.

The panic buying began in earnest on Friday mornng where people were stripping the shelves in the food stores of anything that was not nailed down.  I know someone who works at a Stop and Shop in the office and he told me that it was so bad, that he and several others there had to man the registers.  The parking lot was a zoo as well with the panic.

The storm has yet to hit and already the county executives of both Nassau and Suffolk Counties are singing the song of gloom and doom.  News crews are out in force interveiwing people and they all are in panic mode.  No one is taking this storm in stride.

The media is not helping by calling this "Frankenstorm" which is only instilling more panic.  Then they say that this will be the storm of the century which only adds even more panic.  Seems like every storm is the storm of the century lately.

My feelings on this is that the weather forecasters are told by the sponsors to make the storm to be worse than it really is.  This way they can get people into panic buying therby increasing their profits.  If the media refuses then they can loose their sponsorship and the money it brings in.  But then again that is only a therory.  It does make sense though.

Long Island has been hit with storms for years and with some simple common sense they are not a big deal.  OK, trees will come down, power will be lost and with the over construction local flooding is certain.  But it will not be the end of the world the way the media likes to paint it.

People should do the common sense things like secure light weight objects from flying, maybe have two days worth of food for the trucks will get through, batteries for flash lights in case the power goes out, cell phones charged in case the phones go out and a bottle of wine to sip while enjoing the storm.

'till next time


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