Thursday, October 18, 2012

It has been an interesting few days.  I finally had an interview with a place near the center of the island.  I would be in a cube farm with 400 other people in their IT Department.  From corner office to a cube, how great is that?  The pay was one third of what I was making.

Might be good as a stop gap but when I looked around, no one looked happy at all.  Plus there were several empty cubes that looked like they had people in them recently.  The looks gave the appearance that they had a house cleaning and fired a bunch of people.  Hard to describe the look, but you know it when you see it.  If it was a house cleaning, was it for the best or did someone have a bug up their butt like my former place?

No good vibes came from there at all.  Even as a stop gap.

The second debate was held here on Long Island on Tuesday.  The whole area near Hofstra was in grid lock for the entire day.  My daughters company was ordered to close no later than 1PM by the secret service for they were in close proximity to Hofstra.  While leaving her job she saw Marine 1 fly overhead.  She saw it descend but not land.  She could not get close enough.  But she did say it was impressive.

We saw Air Force One go overhead one day a few years ago.  That was impressive so I can imagine how she felt seeing Marine 1.

I saw an article on the Sheriff's blog about a 10 foot snake caught at Key West airport.  In the website Mile Zero gave more information.  Some reports from other pages said it was a python while others said it was a red-tailed boa.  I admit I am no snake expert at all so I can not say who is right.  Regardless of what it was, if I saw it in my yard I would introduce it to a few rounds out of a shotgun.

I also learned that boas can be found loose in several of the islands there.  To me that is not a good sign.   So if and when I do move there I would find out more about the firearms laws there and if legal, have a 12 ga at the ready.  If not, a good sharp axe or something similar.

I had a nibble from a recruiter in Miami last week.  A good one.  The right position, the right number and what have you.  But the client wanted some oddball computer language even the recruiter never heard of.  So much for that, but at least it was a good nibble which gives me hope.

I told my wife about it and she said if I get a job in Florida, I am to go solo for at least for six months.  She loves Long Island, I hate it.  Is there a storm on the horizon?

A special thank you goes out to Mayor Gonzo Mays.  As most from the Keys know, she is the honorary mayor of Key West and a celebrity in her own right.  She gave me  an endorsement on LinkedIn.  What a pleasant surprise.  Thank you once again Mayor Mays!

Right now it is a brisk 64 degrees with overcast skies and at the Hog's Breath I see that it is a glorious 82 and by looking at Mallory Square it is partly cloudy and it looks like a few rain clouds in the distance.

Anyway I have a lot to do.

'till next time


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