Saturday, February 25, 2012

Black Friday and it is not what you think

It was a Black Friday at the job. We let go three people at once. The layoffs have started and there are more down the road. Not a good sign at all.

The day was dismal so it fit right in.

My boss was is a pissy mood to m all day. She would laugh and have a good time with others but she was nasty with me all day. I think my name is somewhere on the layoff list. To bad New York has yet to enact the Healthy Workplace Law. I don't think it will.

The law in theory is to protect you from abusive and threatening treatment by your boss and company. But like most New York laws that are designed to protect workers it will be useless.

My assistant was to work with me at the office today. He agreed to be there last week but all of a sudden he crapped out. This is not the first time he has done this. He is not very reliable at all but my boss loves him and wants him to be my replacement. Nice.

It is cold today and the wind is howling. In Key West I see that it is in the high 70's at 8AM.

Blogger has a new dashboard. I hate it. I've typed today's blog and saved it a few times and each time it would not save and I had to start from scratch. Google should have left it alone.

Anyway, I need to get going.

'till next time.

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