Monday, February 13, 2012

Things are going down hill fast

Things at the job are headed right for the crapper faster than you know what through a goose with no end in sight. Tension is high in the office and the claws are coming out.

They hired me an assistant and he is turning the screws on me every chance he gets. He has the upper management convinced that our server fleet is failing and that two servers actually failed. Meanwhile he has never worked in a server environment before and has no experience with them. But since he is young and right out of college he knows it all.

This punk, I have stronger language for him but this is a family show, has even put it in writing that all of the computers that I built before his arrival have failed. He cannot make such a statement without quantifying it. His remarks are slander at best but the management is listening to the punk. My lawyer said that I can sue him but since he has no assets, it would be a waste of time.

The punk even put it in writing that the CEO, the CFO and the COO all want him to report back to them on what I am doing. A rat. Now how in the world can he report back when he does not know his from a hole in the ground?

Show you how much damage the punk has done, he has the CEO convinced that out network fails all he time. The CEO made a crude remark in that regard to me at an affair we attended.

Then again the CEO did make the remark that he wants to bring in young people to replace the older people. A remark that he made to the entire company. Nice. Can we say class action?

Because of the remarks that the punk has made, the COO hired outside consultants to tear the network apart and find anything wrong with it to use against me. Mind you these consultants are out to make a sale. Of course they will find things wrong, give me a break. They just want to pad their wallets.

The punk went so far that he was telling other staff members here that the servers have failed. I had to correct him and let him know in uncertain words that he is not qualified to make any such statements. Next thing you know he cries on the lap of HR and take off the next day but before that he clears all of his things out of his work station. I mean everything even the desk drawers. When asked about it he gave a BS story.

I had a nibble the other day and went for an interview. Have to keep my fingers crossed.

We had some snow a few weeks ago. Not much, only about 2 inches. But the ground has been so warm it all melted away. Nothing stuck to the road thankfully.

Today it is bitter cold. Like in the 20's. Brrrrr. Later this week it is to go to the 50's.

I looked at the webcam at the Hogs Breath Saloon in Key West and the webpage has the temp. They were at 57 on Sunday. No idea what it is like today.

Sad thing about Whitney Houston. Beautiful looking woman, a fantastic voice and she had the look. But what a sad life laced with drugs. No reason to take drugs, not one. The results are still out as to why she died but the 'experts' are all making their remarks. I think it was from drugs either directly like an over dose, or from the damage that they caused over the years. In anycase the world has lost a wonderful voice and talent.

Now I see that Glen Campbell is sick and starting to lose it. Another shame, he had a good voice. Then he is in his 70's but still to lose one's memories. Sad.

Anyway I have to get back to it. I really hate my job.

'till next time.

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