Sunday, February 19, 2012

Historic Day

Today we said good bye to Whitney. A great singer and wonderful actress. A crying shame that she passed so young in life. She had ups and downs and the media feasted on the downs. Now the media is going off on her passing. Next is the gossip shows like E.T. anf TMZ, they will all have a field day dragging her through the mud. Digging up the dirt.

They should leave her alone now and let her rest.

I don't know why she died. The results have not been published yet. Was it drugs? A slip and fall in the bathroom? She had to be exhausted from the night out. Was it an illness or cardiac? Could it be from the damage using drugs cause? Or a combination of any of the above? The world has to wait to see the results. Of course that will once again fuel the media.

New York has a new Cardinal. Cardinal Dolan. He looks very outgoing. Wonder how he would be if he became Pope?

They promised us snow today, only a dusting. Nothing happened thankfully. Right now rain is forecasted for Sunday. We will need to see.

I was watching the webcam outside Sloppy Joe's for a bit this morning and again this afternoon. Looks like they were setting up some kind of street fair. I tried to find out on the net but could'nt find anything.

I upgraded our iPads and iPhones to ios5 today. The guy I work with, the rat, said that the upgrade was hard to do and if not done right would crash the device. I admit that I am not an Apple computer guy. But I found that the upgrade was pathetically easy. So far I don't see any big advantage with the exception of the iCloud. Here you can find the general area where you might have left your device provided it was connected to the net. Does not bring you to the exact spot, but within 50 feet.

What I like is the ability to remote wipe the device should you lose it or it gets stolen. Much like Blackberry with the BES.

I still would like to get a job in the Keys. Looking around it does not look too promising for Key West, but maybe elsewhere in the Keys some company needs a high end computer executive to run their computer interests.

I was doing some research in going down there. Both me and my wife do not want to fly on commercial flights. I detest the idea of being groped in public by the TSA and I do not trust those scanners that strip search you. A friend went on a commercial flight and she felt violated by the TSA. They grabbed and prodded every part of her body and even stuck their hands in her panties. If she refused they said they would strip search her and do a cavity check. I will not subject myself or my wife to that.

So we could drive all the way, or take a train to Miami and rent a car. Then it hit me, the autotrain out of Lorton, VA. It is only 6 to 7 hours away. Ride the train for 17 hours, then drive the rest of the way in our car. It would save on gas and wear and tear on the car. Something to think about.

Anyway it is late, time for bed.

'till next time

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