Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday with a headache

Yesterday my subordinate was given an assignment. I explained how it was to be done. He wrote back to me and entered the realm of insubordination. If I ever spoke or wrote to my supervisor in the manner he does to me I would lose my job in a heartbeat. But since my boss loves him, he can get away with it. I brought it to the attention of HR but since she is friends with him it went no where fast. But at least I created a paper trail.

I had a quick meeting with my boss yesterday and she was beyond nasty. I cannot wait for the New York Healthy Workplace law to be signed and go into affect.

Last night in the early evening the moon was above Jupiter. What a site. But right after supper the clouds moved in and blocked everything. I didn't see the stars again until I went to the bathroom at 3AM.

Watching Key West from the webcam across the street from Sloppy Joe's makes me really want to go there. Warm weather.

I spent a half hour this morning with one of the people at a remote office explaining to her why some large files take so long to download from a server not at their faculty. She thinks that I can flip an easy switch and make things work her way. She like my boss cannot wait to put the screws to me and tries at every opportunity. Gotta love this place.

Been watching the story about J Lo and her so called wardrobe malfunction at the Oscars. I looked and like a man I looked very closely. The media is claiming that a part of her nipple was showing from the top of her low cut gown. I didn't see it. Heck you see more in the summer at the food stores. And yes some woman have tops so sheer you can make out the nipple without too much trouble. The media has nothing else to talk about.

They are even making a big deal about the cheesecake that Angelina Jolie displayed. I mean she as a fantastic looking leg but really people she is not the only one to show leg.

Anyway I have a lot to do today and time is clicking away.

'till next time.

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