Thursday, March 1, 2012

A sad day

Yesterday Davy Jones of the Monkeys passed away at the age of 66. I grew up watching their TV show. It was corney, goofy and silly. But it was not violent and it was pure good fun. We will miss Davy.

The job is going south faster than anything. I had many knives shoved into my back by my boss and by some moron vendor who wants to use us as a cash cow. Not good. So I doubt that I will be here much longer.

I sent out more resumes last night, one responded back that the job was filled. To bad it would have been nice. A job down in the Keys. This was the first computer job that I saw down there. At least I gave it a shot.

We had another one give in her notice. That makes 5 within a month that have left the company. 4 were fired and 1 quit. The one that tended her resignation was being pushed out anyway. They hired a young woman and they were giving her the work the first woman did. The one that quit was over 45. The new one, under 30. All in line with what the CEO wants, young people to run the company. So far everyone that has left were all over the age of 45.

It was a rainy day this morning but now it is clearing up. They forecast more rain through the weekend. Good time to get some well earned sleep. I am going to make sure my phones are turned off all weekend.

Anyway I need to get to work. My boss is gunning for me and I do not want to give her anymore ammo.

'till next time.

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