Monday, March 5, 2012

Another Monday

Another Monday is here, oh the joy of it. Time to get ready to go into that hell hole of a job. Found out yesterday that the CEO has wanted to outsource my department since before December. Nice. Also found out that the disaster recovery people who put the software on our systems that messed everything up is out to get rid of me as well. They are in bed with the company that my boss hired. Can we say kick back?

My office is empty now. I took everything home, even my coffee cup. It is down to a matter of hours.

Applied to three places last night on line line, I hope one of them will bring me in. I'd love that. I would walk off the job right then and there. Give them my keys and go. No 2 week notice. Love to see their faces then. But I don't think that will happen very fast, but you never know.

The company did open itself up for a class action, but the problem there is to get every on board and to find the right lawyer to take on the case. That would be sweet
I spoke to a friend that the company fired while he aw on vacation. He is in denial. He still thinks that my boss who fired him his is best friend. I told him he needs to see a lawyer. His wife said the same thing too. But he is so confused by what happened, poor guy. He needs a reality check.

Cold today. Last night I saw that he temp at the Hogs Breath was only 66. Rig now I think we are at the 40's. Warm for this time of year. All winter it has been mild.

Anyway, I need to get ready to face he crap. My chest is hurting, my guts are twisted up...

'till next time

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